Replace Colour- Shades of Grey only?
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I can't seem to figure out the Replace Color Function. I am following the instructions, but when I say, replace white with blue, all I get is a darker shade of grey rather than blue. I Opent the Replace Color window, use the eydropper to pick my colour to be replaced, pick a new color at the bottom of the window, but all i get is various shades of Grey. What am I doing wrong?

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Replace color doesn't work so well on black or white colors.
Try something like this:
1. Make a selection of the white area you want to colorize.
2. Go to Layer>New>Layer via Copy
3. Then Enhance>Adjust Color>Remove Color (desaturate)
4. Then Layer>New Fill Layer>Solid Color and in the dialog
choose group with previous and multiply for the blend mode.
5. Pick your color from the color picker and click ok.
If you want more texture or contrast in the area you colorized.
1. Duplicate the desaturated layer (layer 1 above)
2. Move the bottom layer of the desaturated layers to top of
the layer stack and change the blend mode to multiply.
Adjust the layer opacity for less contrast.
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Thanks for that- I was a bit concerned that there was a fault, but it seems just a 'feature'
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This is supposed to be a simple to use feature and I ran into the samea problem. Why does it take my orange (replacement is of black to orange on a vector image) and make it a 50% gray in the first place? By the way, mode is RGB
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Make sure to rasterize your layer by selecting the layer in the Layers panel, right-clicking, and rasterize layer. This should make the Replace Color function available in your Image>Adjustments drop-down selectable.
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Hi and thank you for the directions in this thread. I am using Photoshop 2022. What is the click path to find "Enhance" I found instructions to right-click on the selection and then CTRL+Shift+D to open a dialog box for "Enhance" and nothing happens? Kindly elaborate if you will? Thank you 🙂
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Change Image>Mode from Grayscale to RGB Color
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I had a similar problem : replacing the white background of a B&W text. The Magic Wand is not appropriate because the inside of letters is not selected. Since "Replace Color" cannot directly replace white or black by a color, I did the following:
1- mode set to RGB Color.
2- "Replace Color" used to replace "white" by "light grey"
3- "Hue/Saturation" used to replace "light grey" by a dummy color.
4- "Replace Color" used again to replace the dummy color by the wanted color.
Is there an easier procedure I could have used ?
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An easier way would be to put a Layer>New Fill Layer>Solid Color above the text and change the layer blend mode to Multiply.
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@AmyC1986, you have posted your question in a very old discussion. This is the Photoshop Elements forum. If I understand you correctly, you need to post your question in the Photoshop (Ecosystem) forum.