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user folders goes on and on

New Here ,
Dec 10, 2022 Dec 10, 2022

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Is there support at Adobe to help clean up my user folder structure?  12 folders down before I can see the photos.

Also I would like help with backup/restore to & from my laptop so when I 'm traveling I can continue working with my photos.  I'm ok with deleteing the catalog and doing a restore but want to keep the same folder structure and not add to the endless user folders.

And yes, both desktop & laptop have different user names - laptop crashed last year and was rebuilt with a different user name.  Maybe there is a way to rebuild the laptop?  I have no files on it only programs that can be re-installed.

I am somewhat computer savvy but don't want to create more of mess than I already have.




How to , Organizer , Problem or error , Windows






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Dec 10, 2022 Dec 10, 2022

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@Paul27511347cp0a said:

Is there support at Adobe to help clean up my user folder structure?  

What version of Elements are you using?  Adobe only provides support for the current and last versions of the program.  In any event, I can't imagine that Adobe is going to help you sort out how you have organized the files and folders on your machine.

@Paul27511347cp0a said:

12 folders down before I can see the photos.

Please explain what you mean by this.  If you are using the Organizer, all photos are visible in the Media grid without any navigating through folders.  The Organizer does not select where you store the files - you do.


@Paul27511347cp0a said:

Also I would like help with backup/restore to & from my laptop so when I 'm traveling I can continue working with my photos. I'm ok with deleteing the catalog and doing a restore but want to keep the same folder structure and not add to the endless user folders.

See this HelpX article.


@Paul27511347cp0a said:

And yes, both desktop & laptop have different user names - laptop crashed last year and was rebuilt with a different user name. Maybe there is a way to rebuild the laptop? I have no files on it only programs that can be re-installed.


See this HelpX article about moving a catalog to a new computer.


It's not clear whether you wish to maintain two catalogs or simply move one back and forth between your computers because of traveling.  I'm going to ping @MichelBParis who I believe uses the latter approach to see whether he can offer you some more practical advice about keeping the catalogs in synch.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 11, 2022 Dec 11, 2022

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Is there support at Adobe to help clean up my user folder structure?  12 folders down before I can see the photos.

Also I would like help with backup/restore to & from my laptop so when I 'm traveling I can continue working with my photos.  I'm ok with deleteing the catalog and doing a restore but want to keep the same folder structure and not add to the endless user folders.

And yes, both desktop & laptop have different user names - laptop crashed last year and was rebuilt with a different user name.  Maybe there is a way to rebuild the laptop?  I have no files on it only programs that can be re-installed.

I am somewhat computer savvy but don't want to create more of mess than I already have.




By @Paul27511347cp0a

Is there support at Adobe to help clean up my user folder structure?

See Greg's answer. Also the organizer provides about the same tools for that than the Windows explorer, even if it is built to let you ignore the folder structure.

12 folders down before I can see the photos.

The Windows default location for the 'Pictures' top folder is the 5th subfolder in the folder tree. Nobody forces you to use it. Instead you can define your own library to a folder just under the root level of any internal or external drive to skip those useless levels. If you have 12 levels, that's YOUR problem with your folder tree definition.

That will solve your problem with your two user names.


So, have a look at my solution (since PSE6) to manage my library between several computers.

I have chosen to store both the library of 800 GB and the corresponding catalog folder on a very small 1TB SSD USB external drive. As suggested above, my top master library folder is just under the root folder of the SSD drive.

I just have to connect the external drive to both computers after making sure it will be recognized with the same drive letter.


That's the principle, and you can test it safely now. First a full backup from your desktop, then, from your laptop, you create the master folder under the root drive (with adequate permissions) and restore your library stating that master folder as the 'custom' location. Starting the organizer from the catalog folder which has been also restored under the master folder along with the library, you are working exactly like with your original desktop setup.


That process will recreate the library 12 levels folder tree, including the 'empty' ones created for the Windows 'Pictures' folder. So, if you want to skip those empty levels, you'll have to use the organizer in 'tree' view in the left folders panel and move by drag and drop the higher level sub-tree(s) under 'Pictures' up to the new master folder. Be patient and check the result.


Now, it's time to choose a periodical backup solution of your new library + catalog.

You can use a separate external drive for the backup folder.

The old original catalog + library in no longer updated, you would probably want to delete them from the Desktop.

With that free space, you could restore the NEW backup the same way as above under a new master folder under the C drive as a ready to use secondary redundant backup. Same possibility for the laptop. However, only the external drive is always ready and up to date after an editing session, it should remain your 'normal' library + catalog.






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