ipad でphotoshop sketchにブラシを試しに追加したのですが、
デスクトップPCでphotoshop CCのブラシは簡単に削除できるのですが・・・
1 件の正解
Photoshop brushes can't yet be deleted from inside of Sketch.
They can, however, be removed from the Libraries tab in the Creative Cloud Mobile App or by logging in with your Adobe ID to https://assets.adobe.com/assets/libraries and deleting them there.
Or you can delete them from the library inside of Photoshop CC (just highlight the brush you want to delete and click on the trash can icon). Once the deletion you make in Ps syncs to Creative Cloud, the brush will no longer show in the library
Photoshop brushes can't yet be deleted from inside of Sketch.
They can, however, be removed from the Libraries tab in the Creative Cloud Mobile App or by logging in with your Adobe ID to https://assets.adobe.com/assets/libraries and deleting them there.
Or you can delete them from the library inside of Photoshop CC (just highlight the brush you want to delete and click on the trash can icon). Once the deletion you make in Ps syncs to Creative Cloud, the brush will no longer show in the library in Sketch.
Please let me know if you need any help with either of those.