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Will Adobe Sketch and the other mobile apps be available on Android?

New Here ,
Jun 18, 2014 Jun 18, 2014

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I love the idea of a mobile digital sketch pad but I don't own anything other than Android products. Are Android users going to have to bite the bullet and buy a tablet they don't want for a program they do or, will there be a light at the end of this tunnel with apps for everyone to fully enjoy?






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Explorer ,
Dec 07, 2014 Dec 07, 2014

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Not to stray from discussion too much but how is your note 4 treating you? I think Im ready to switch! I love sketchbook pro on it, but back to this convo, I hate there is no real suite of products or even creative cloud tools from adobe for Adobe Illustrator work! Why did they discontinue Adobe ideas, and many other apps that already existed?! One would imagine they could just reiterate on what they already did! It existed and now it's gone from the store. It makes no sense. That's why there is all this speculation on some Adobe VS Android thing possibly happening!





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Contributor ,
Dec 08, 2014 Dec 08, 2014

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To me, it seems Adobe has a preference for Apple and iOS. Regardless of the reason, I do think they should develop both platforms at the same time. Android is equal or above the share of mobile OS's on people devices, so it's only in Adobe benefit to attend to Android users as well. I know iOS is popular, (off topic: Android is in my opinion an exponentially far superior mobile OS than iOS in terms of power, customization, just about everything else). It seems a trend, that companies attend to iOS users before Android, because it is a more 'cool' to do so. You can disagree with me all you want, but to me, and to I am sure, many others, it seems this is the case.

Oh, as for the Note 4, get it! Simply amazing device. I've owned every Note since they first came out, this one is by far the best.





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New Here ,
Dec 08, 2014 Dec 08, 2014

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The note 4 is the best "phone" out. Period.





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Dec 08, 2014 Dec 08, 2014

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I can only speculate about ideas. Many of the new apps have a similar layout and some performances in common. Maybe ideas grew outside and did not fit any longer. I was very fond of ideas, illustrator draw is more powerful but it was emotional to move forwards, I understand the frustration.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 12, 2014 Dec 12, 2014

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An Android version of Lightroom mobile will not be available at release, but is in development.





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Participant ,
Dec 16, 2014 Dec 16, 2014

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At this point I see no reason to get an Ipad.  The mobile experience for Adobe apps on an Ipad will be a joke compared to other options.   

Obvious reason's why Apple is the LAST choice for me: 

Better options like:

     the Samsung Note 10.1 with different levels of pressure sensitivity with the pen. 

     Samsung Note 4

     Surface Pro tablets where you can install the FULL versions of CC apps and you get the wacom-like pen.    

Apple devices are too expensive for the lacking features.    

For any one thinking of buying an Ipad, PLEASE, PLEASE just get the Surface Pro.  

There are times where I can't lug around my Surface Pro and I would like better options to edit on my smartphone.   So please, Adobe, come out with more full featured Android Apps in the near future, BECAUSE I'M NEVER BUYING NO DAMN IPHONE.

For the price I'm paying per month, I don't think I'm asking that much.   We're getting very close to the FIFTH version of Android, right?  So I'm baffled why Adobe is behind.  





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Dec 16, 2014 Dec 16, 2014

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LOL! Rickyaz if anyone ever forces you to buy an iPhone call me, I will tell them to leave you alone





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Explorer ,
Dec 16, 2014 Dec 16, 2014

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Much force was required to get me to purchase the eight iPhones and two iPads I've purchased. So very much force… 





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Dec 16, 2014 Dec 16, 2014

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Community Beginner ,
Jan 14, 2015 Jan 14, 2015

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Just think of that "bet you thought you'd seen the last of me" gif from American Horror Story: Coven here. I am asking Adobe to redeem themselves for their terrible mishandling of the early Touch apps on Android and release these apps with feature parity along with update parity. After the fiasco that was Adobe Ideas for Android, this would be a very good time to make it up to your Android using, paying customers.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 15, 2015 Jan 15, 2015

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Being a Photoshop user for last 20+ years (yes, since version 2.5..) I quite recently discovered the world of REAL digital painting. I just bought Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2. It is true that there are few painting apps for Android, but, believe me, even with Sketchbook, Infinite Painter and ArtRage the experience is a lightyear ahead from working on a PC or Mac with 'classic' digitizer tablet on desktop. This is REAL painting, drawing, creating. I never could afford a Cintique, so this is quite new experience for me. And there is the point: there is no hardware even remotely similar to Note Pro on the iOS side. 12 inch screen, computing power of a desktop (I know, it is an exaggeration) and the Wacom S-pen stylus. Find an iPad with such specs. And there is a constant development on Samsung's side: look at the Note 4 and imagine how will Note Pro 2015 look like... And Adobe seems not to see this. And overlooks roughly 100 milions of Galaxy Note smatphone users who love to _draw_ and _paint_ on their devices while sitting in a cafe or on airplane. They are mostly professionals, and they need professional tools. I personally buy _every_ painting app available on Android. I bought Photoshop Touch and Photoshop Express among the others. And what? Nothing. Photoshop Touch is a total failure, even if certain tools are of Photoshop quality. But overall experience is null. I do not use this app because it is poorely designed and, what more frustrating, never updated. Adobe simply gave up on Android. And Adobe is still wealthy enough to afford losing 100 000 000 potential users.

Or is it?

My experience with newest Adobe products and policies is definitely negative. I pay monthly 'Photoshop tax', because there is still no alternative on PC, but I will gladly stop paying when mobile apps reach certain point of maturity. I mean non-Adobe apps.

Sorry Adobe. Even the most faithful user will one day give up, being treated like you treat your users. And one day you will find yourself losing not only Android market. Nature abhors a vacuum.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 15, 2015 Jan 15, 2015

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A thing at a time.

I know it won't make everybody happy, but this is the second post I give you with updates for Androids, there's just not only Will here to support you, I try to answer too as much as I can.

Not totally true that Androids are forgotten, and don't forget that aviary is connected to cc now too.

Second update I post and hope you are not ignoring them, that would be very rude and you would miss things that you may need.

"We are happy to announce the immediate availability of Lightroom mobile for Android phones."

Learn more http://adobe.ly/1xtlS3N





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 15, 2015 Jan 15, 2015

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Yes I HAVE been ignoring your posts because:

(a) I have a hard time understanding you.

(b) what I do understand can be summarized as "Hey guys, I'm blindly loyal to Adobe, you should be too."

(c) your first post about your personal experience developing apps made you lose credibility in my eyes. Adobe is a extremely large company. They should have Dev TEAMS for EVERY platform.

(d) an SDK for android is not the same a Adobe apps for android which is what this thread is about.

(e) lightroom is not available on android tablets (which only adds to the frustration over Adobe's treatment of Android).

(f) excuse me for wanting to hear from an actual Adobe staff member.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 15, 2015 Jan 15, 2015

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It is part of your rights as a human being to have an opinion about everything and you seem to have your strong opinion about me which is as interesting to comment for me here as your attempt to be rude: waste of time.

You are welcome to ignore whoever you want, but if there is one here that is close to the staff, I am sorry, that is actually me, which makes your attitude even less interesting.

I am giving everybody, not just you all official updates. And my post was not even answering you personally, so I beg you pardon if you though mine was a personal answer to you.

You are welcome to dislike me, not my jurisdiction, I won't even bother to report your tone as extremely inappropriate and as you seem to have a deep understanding as to why comments with low credibility are ignored, I will ignore your judgments against me. If you dislike that I do not have big issues against Adobe, you can email me, it's off topic here





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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Yeah an SDK is lovely, Lightroom isn't formatted for tablets where it would actually be more useful, and there is nothing about the other apps being ported and offered to us CC members who use Android.

This. Is. A. Problem.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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I know, I understand, is not that much yet. Compared to iPads it's really not that much yet. We are all waiting, hang on, I have nothing official to give you yet. I understand your frustration.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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Floramc, you are no help to this discussion. If you have any info that pertains to the progress of Android development please respond otherwise please go and figure out a way to help the developers... 





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Community Expert ,
Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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I am here to gather your complaints and keep an eye on the overall tone, as it showed more than once to go over the line. When and if I have news as I already did, I will keep on posting. From here on, I will start reporting whoever is not respecting the norms of a civil conversation.

if you are frustrated for the lack of news, I am sorry it takes time to give news. If you are out to throw your frustration on me, it is a waste of time. this thread showed already a need to be under supervision. Don't blame it on me. Waste of time.





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New Here ,
Feb 08, 2015 Feb 08, 2015

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I do find it kind of odd, that Apple(mainly Steve Jobs) went after Adobe, and yet it seems that Adobe has focused on building Apps for IOS. There seems to be no want or willingness to make CC Apps for Android. Something I had voiced recently to Adobe. I purposely do not purchase Apple products because I felt Steve Jobs killed the internet experience. And it seems that Adobe is placating or believes that Android users DO NOT matter right now. I know that this is my opinion, but gauging the tone of the posts I'm not the only that feels this way. Its very DISAPPOINTING.





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Enthusiast ,
Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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I've heard from other Adobe mods that they're "not allowed" to tell us about upcoming updates, bug fixes, etc. Seems like kind of a weird policy --- why would you want to keep your customer base in the dark? Especially since a lot of us use their products to earn a living; bugs/delays/removed or missing features have a direct bearing on our ability to earn income --- but, *shrug*, I guess...?
There are a lot of great tablet/mobile art apps out there; unlike the pro/prosumer video space, Adobe has plenty of competition in that market. If Adobe can't get us the software we need in a timely fashion (ever?), why not just move over to a different app? Realistically, that's the best way to get Adobe to pay attention; you can bet they'll change their tone tout de suite if they start losing customers en masse...





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Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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Derjis wrote:

I've heard from other Adobe mods that they're "not allowed" to tell us about upcoming updates, bug fixes, etc. Seems like kind of a weird policy --- why would you want to keep your customer base in the dark? Especially since a lot of us use their products to earn a living; bugs/delays/removed or missing features have a direct bearing on our ability to earn income --- but, *shrug*, I guess...?
There are a lot of great tablet/mobile art apps out there; unlike the pro/prosumer video space, Adobe has plenty of competition in that market. If Adobe can't get us the software we need in a timely fashion (ever?), why not just move over to a different app? Realistically, that's the best way to get Adobe to pay attention; you can bet they'll change their tone tout de suite if they start losing customers en masse...

Not being able to tell what's going on is a bit of a CYA move. Look at this way: If Adobe told you a fix was coming tomorrow, and the fix never came, would you be as equally mad? I'm sure that's one of the reasons.

It's a lot like how Creative Cloud wasn't working correctly in Photoshop Touch for many users until very recently. I just kept reporting it and it was eventually resolved. Patience is key.





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Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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Derjis, all companies have policies as to what they do not share publicly, just because of the a-b-c of competition. Not that weird, most companies especially really big ones have control over what comes out and when. Neither talk about things that are not working where competitors can read. It has nothing to do with neglecting customers, it is protecting development.  In a capitalistic system, it invites to unfair competition.

Despite what many try to state, the staff is aware and concerned about the dissatisfaction here, and I report once every two weeks about the growing frustration. and I use non Adobe apps on my Samsung. Right now I have no choice but that.





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Enthusiast ,
Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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I get that, but as a paying customer whose ability to make a living is directly effected by glitches in the software I am paying Adobe to provide, when I'm, like, "yo, your software is unusable. Can you give me an ETA as to when it'll be fixed? If it's going to be soon, I can live with that, but if a fix is going to be a long time in coming, I'm going to have to find a workaround, or, y'know, I won't be able to pay the lease this month...", it's a little frustrating to hear "*shrug*, I'm not allowed to tell you anything. Just chill out, bro! It'll happen eventually, I'm sure!"





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Participant ,
Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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Had to edit real quick cuz you guys respond so fast! Half my points where moot in 10 minutes. lol  Agreed with Derjis on the "silence" stuff for the most part. And to just clarify to floramc (in a nice and casual way - no aggression from me). To sum up what I personally think is a list of root frustrations that became this very long string (and I believe these ARE relevant to the OP's question - and other's asking things. Also it's valuable feedback for Adobe - so they know what is apparently happening in the Android customer mind - a good thing to know):

  1. Adobe initially released a ton of apps for Android - and only like 2 for iOS - when CC first went live (a big motivator for going CC initially). But then Adobe - without any clear explanation (other than the adverse reaction Apple had with delivering iOS apps over CC) - pulled all of the Android apps off CC (??). So, we didn't get to use them at all - and we where like... "why the Android apps" sortuh thing.
  2. When the apps returned - all where for iOS, and none where for Android. (??) That was a major shock, confusing, and a bummer.
  3. Android and Windows users have concurrently recognized that since this time - 99% of the hardware (tablets/laptops/phones) shown in all tutorial videos (made by both Adobe and their Evangelists), as well as site imagery and advertising, is of the Apple product brand. Call it what you'd like - it isn't irrelevant to this topic -  because this certainly cannot help Android users feel safe and sound with regard to being a priority. Tho yes - there is great support for Android in the dev software itself. We ultimately love and use Adobe products - obviously.
  4. Combine this with complete and utter silence (as mentioned by Derjis - perhaps policy) on estimated release dates etc... I mean - they already where released at one point - so it isn't much of a secret or anything. People just want to know generalities concerning proprietary software being purposed for tablet use - not anything a competitor will gain from or react to imo... but whatev... the bottomless pit of modern legalities I suppose.

That sums up what the fuss is about I think. It's a culmination of factors that adds up to a larger message to those who are patiently waiting - and have been for years now. At any rate - at this point, I view forums as a place to commune with other users - and get questions answered by other users - but definitely not the company itself (unfortunately). I typically only see super short, auto-reply type answers from company folk.





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Jan 22, 2015 Jan 22, 2015

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This was really worth the mention, if you do not mind I will use it to report to the heads of customer service too. can I?





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