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Will Adobe Sketch and the other mobile apps be available on Android?

New Here ,
Jun 18, 2014 Jun 18, 2014

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I love the idea of a mobile digital sketch pad but I don't own anything other than Android products. Are Android users going to have to bite the bullet and buy a tablet they don't want for a program they do or, will there be a light at the end of this tunnel with apps for everyone to fully enjoy?






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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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Whilst I understand and agree on most points you've mentioned, Peter, I suspect you might get a few choice responses by saying about Android users getting "their hands on such freebies."

I, like most, am paying a premium monthly fee. It's far from a "freebie" when others are getting something you're not getting for the same price. Yes, a "freebie" for Apple users considering they're getting something extra, but quite the opposite for all other mobile platforms.

Otherwise, I think we all agree that its a good thing Adobe have acknowledged Android users frustrations and have communicated their plans (only thanks to Floramc we forum users actually know about it though rather than a general email to each customer), but I don't think your comments will do little to settle the matter down.





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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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‌I am in direct contact with Will, so not thanks to me, thanks to Will





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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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Please pass our thanks onto Will also, but thanks also to you for directing us to his comments via the link on the 16th April 





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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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I've stated it before, and I'll state it again: these apps should be considered as "free public betas". Most of them appeared half a year ago, others only recently. So they're just in their infancy. Sure, these apps are fun, but in their current state not worth much more than a "freebie" status. Adobe already announced we'll be able to see most of them appearing on Android real soon, so it's just a matter of childish jealousy and impatience, to keep hammering on some old misconceptions...





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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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‌Focus on this observation (mine not adobe)

Max the conference 2015 is in October

October last year: Microsoft surface pro and illustrator at Max 2014

Summer 2015: we start giving androids apps

shortly before Max

start wondering something is likely to happen





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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The problem with the whole thing is back when the Touch apps were first released on Android, there were no updates or support. When they were released on iOS, iOS got all of the updates while Android users were left without while we paid for premium apps. We were nice about it at first, then after a few months of evasive non-answers, we got angry. Instead of updates, the apps were eventually discontinued. So by releasing these new apps on iOS first ignoring the Android user base who pays just as much for CC just seems like history repeating. Now, if they release these apps for Android, that's great, but what matters is whether there will there be feature parity and regular updates. If not, we're back to square one.





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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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coinopbear wrote:

The problem with the whole thing is back when the Touch apps were first released on Android, there were no updates or support. When they were released on iOS, iOS got all of the updates while Android users were left without while we paid for premium apps. We were nice about it at first, then after a few months of evasive non-answers, we got angry. Instead of updates, the apps were eventually discontinued. So by releasing these new apps on iOS first ignoring the Android user base who pays just as much for CC just seems like history repeating. Now, if they release these apps for Android, that's great, but what matters is whether there will there be feature parity and regular updates. If not, we're back to square one.

I can't speak for discontinued apps such as Kuler (now Color) and Ideas but I am always in constant contact with Adobe concerning bugs for Photoshop Touch, which is still being sold (and for good reason; it ain't Photoshop Mix, which is OK, but good luck with any serious compositing in Mix). It wouldn't surprise me to see a "reboot" of PS Touch at some point.





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Explorer ,
Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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Well thank you for your  reply.  I dint realise as a customer i was not allowed to air my frustration at a company i pay hundreds of pounds to every year. Sorry, but i reserve the right as i pay the same price as Apple users yet have less access to the available products, especially something as important as tablet design.

And to try and make out its hard or difficult to make apps for both devices is complete nonsense. Adobe is a large company with access to plenty of extreamly talented programmers (Oh my did i actually praise Adobe?) I wouldn't mind if the reply was 'Yes next year we plan to bring out Android products"  but the "we care concentrating in making a great IOS experience" is a typical corporate response to "No we don't plan to yet"

As to "You don't have a clue about app design, no, I don't you are right. But my brother in law owns his own company 'small' company making IOS, Windows and Android Apps.  Strange, he always manages to develop them to launch within a short period of each other. Maybe i can give Adobe his number.

And like i said, as a customer who pays good money, i reserve the right to be frustrated and annoyed and air my opinion. If it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, too bad really. Welcome to "Customer feedback."





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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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Nobody denies you the right to express your frustration according to your personality. We who are watching this topic have the right to say, I or Peter, if you are stepping over the line and answer consequently. Complain but don't be inappropriate and don't insult other users, it is not apple's users fault, so 1) don't offend for free 2) no, that you pay does not give you or anybody else the right to say whatever you want. At least decency should have no price.

You made your point heard, we know how you feel. We also know your family is succesful investing time in developing applications, thanks for letting us know.

FYI, I can report your last post as the other one too. None is doing it, you whine as it pleases you, just tone down the way you express your thoughts. Less aggressivity and less sarcasm would let your thoughts to be heard better.





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New Here ,
Jul 29, 2015 Jul 29, 2015

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That isn't very nice.





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Explorer ,
Jul 29, 2015 Jul 29, 2015

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I would agree that's not nice.  and yes still lagging behind on android.  I still can't use the few available on my tablet (that has a wacom pressure stylus)





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New Here ,
Jan 31, 2016 Jan 31, 2016

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Well, thanks for nothing! I'm a paying customer and get spammed with mails telling me about how awesome the Adobe iPhone and iPad apps are. Well I don't have Apple products and I like many others stick to Samsung's Note phones and tables... You know, cause they have a stylus...





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Explorer ,
Jul 02, 2014 Jul 02, 2014

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Can we make an online community and campaign around adobe finally giving support for android? Does one exist already? As life gets busier I really would like android based apps from adobe beyond Photoshop touch! Does adobe not care to cater to the entire creative community?! I am going crazy here!!! Adobe has billions and nothing can go toward R&D for android? What's the hold up!





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New Here ,
Jul 10, 2014 Jul 10, 2014

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Reminds me of the old days when almost no adobe support was provided for Windows. I guess there is still some at Adobe that look down on any non-Apple products.

Sad for creatives out there who cannot afford expensive Apple devices...






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New Here ,
Jul 10, 2014 Jul 10, 2014

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I just don't like Apple. I feel they're over-priced and I don't like wasting money.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 17, 2014 Jul 17, 2014

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I agree completely.





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Jul 17, 2014 Jul 17, 2014

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Why would we want to buy a $3000 computer when we can have a much faster system for $1500? It makes no sense. I've tried to bring myself to buy an Apple product but time and time again I can't justify paying that much for what basically amounts to the operating system. They aren't made any better than a PC. I've worked on them over the years and they are far more difficult to fix or troubleshoot if there is a problem.





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New Here ,
Jul 17, 2014 Jul 17, 2014

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Personally I don't care iOS/Mac. They are nice physical devices, but expensive...

However I do feel that Adobe should support the important community of creative people working on Android devices, like they did on Windows....






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 17, 2014 Jul 17, 2014

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Thats exactly right. They found out PC users were just as dedicated to Adobe as Mac users, I guarantee the Android community (which far surpasses the Mac community at this point) is equally as eager and dedicated to Adobe as the IPhone/IPad set. Displays on Android tablets are just as good and in some cases better than the retina display. The hardware is completely capable of handling Adobe products. And knowing developers who develop on both Android and IOS platforms who say that Android is far easier (in spite of having to create for many devices) to develop for. It shouldn't be that difficult to do and only makes sense. Don't alienate your users Adobe. You did that in the past and it never served you well.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 07, 2014 Aug 07, 2014

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as much as i love android, i'd suspect that development on ios would be a lot easier. since there really isn't any choice in hardware and it's easier to tell people to be on version xxx of and os it would make for a more stable test base.

can't you just see the rush of android users complaining that Abobe SumpinSumpin won't run on their mediatek chipset running gingerbread?





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Aug 07, 2014 Aug 07, 2014

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That's not really relevant. You can limit an Android app to a specific OS baseline, and you can also give hardware restrictions.

Lots of developers already do this, in both the Google Play and Amazon App stores, and nobody has any real issues with it. All Adobe would have to do is put a list of the devices they DO support, and say that they may work on other devices, but there are no promises. When someone posts a complaint, they would ask what device, and tell them that device wasn't supported at this time.

They already do something similar with graphics cards support in Photoshop, and it's a pretty simple customer service response. "Please see the list at this URL. If you graphics card isn't on this list, it isn't technically supported, but it may work. YMMV."

All they need to do is focus on about 4-5 different product lines (Galaxy, Moto G, Nexus, Razor) and make sure the apps run on the 2012 versions of those devices.

The truth is, they are almost certainly already working on Android versions of these apps, they just don't want to talk about it now. It makes no sense to develop without cross-platform in mind, and while the current build may not be stable on Android, you can bet they are developing both in tandem. When they do release it, it will have feature parity with the iOS version. In other words, Will almost certainly lied to one degree or another in his post on this thread.





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Explorer ,
Aug 07, 2014 Aug 07, 2014

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Yeah let's stay relevant.





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Dec 05, 2014 Dec 05, 2014

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Android is and will forever be a far more superior OS than iOS. IPhone and iPads are for those who like to play and be trendy, Android is for those who know to use their devices to the fullest. Adobe choosing iOS is much like Apples move to cater to the mainstream consumer. Its a shame! The Samsung Galaxy Note would have great opportunities with Photoshop brushes. Especially being a CC complete annual subscriber, I'd expect these apps to rollout like the desktop apps. Regardless of platform.





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Dec 06, 2014 Dec 06, 2014

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I find it hard to believe on speculations against Androids, for me it is just a matter of time. I can only speak for myself, but I would reject position that says that Androids are neglected both for commercial agreements or market fragmentations. True, Apple is huge in the US, true Adobe sells worldwide and they did not become Adobe caring about American users only, though quite understandable that first market comes first.

A note: despite in my point of view there is nothing wrong in being trendy - like there is nothing wrong in preferring your mobile with a lily or a blue case, there is a lot to gain in working on both devices, and being a cross user I agree with you, the Androids have incredible performances. I hope too that apps will be on both kind of devices, but please, don't take Will's answer as arrogant. I take a step in into it, because I always had a very relaxed conversation with him on apps and tools and I can't see a drop of arrogance in the person. It's a very inappropriate word to use and I feel he's taken for who he's not, and his answer for something it is not either.

I strongly believe he just meant right now there is a lot of work and a lot of focus on iOs. You have too to understand that a lot of users who read here would be very picky the moment he even mentions Androids - but he is telling you: we will post here as soon as we have official plans. It is actually the best answer you can get right now. At times there are no dates and no official plans to share, same happens to me and my company.

On the other side I think it is really beautiful to see that many people value the apps and really want them on Androids too. I look at this as very positive and encouraging. I believe it is important that you keep on reminding that you are still waiting, and it is good that you make it clear you trust more the Android experience. It's good for Adobe to know what the users ask, and I would encourage this discussion to continue, as I agree too, it would be awesome to have everything on both iOs and Android.

Just don't feel provoked by the answer, and don't make it personal. I speak for myself, but out of my personal experience as an user and as an active individual in the creative world under the flag of Adobe, nobody is trying to annoy you or diss you. Look at the surface pro experience. It took some time to get there, but it's really way above the standards and for once you see mac users gaping to astonishment.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 17, 2014 Jul 17, 2014

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I find it especially ironic that Adobe has chosen to champion Apple in this field yet Steve Jobs was the one who made some really crappy comments about Adobe Flash and how terrible it was and how Adobe had really dropped the ball. And he would never allow flash on his platform. Adobe has alot of faithful users paying $50 a month for Creative Cloud who are PC and Android users. Its not a smart idea to crap on your clients. Frankly Will Eisleys answer seemed arrogant and not all that friendly to the Android community. He doesn't even say that they will make Android versions, just that when they "decide" to make them they will let us know. To me that's not a decision that's a must do. They should have had people working on Apple and Android roll outs from the beginning. It really sucks that I have to wait until they "decide" to accommodate Android or I have to give in and buy an incredibly over priced and horribly pretentious Apple product to have the convenience of mobile apps. Adobe is making a lot of cash off of us I'd think they might want to handle things a little better. Just my opinion.





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