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Will Adobe Sketch and the other mobile apps be available on Android?

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Jun 18, 2014 Jun 18, 2014

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I love the idea of a mobile digital sketch pad but I don't own anything other than Android products. Are Android users going to have to bite the bullet and buy a tablet they don't want for a program they do or, will there be a light at the end of this tunnel with apps for everyone to fully enjoy?






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Dec 15, 2014 Dec 15, 2014

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I totally agree - I searched Adobe and found the only way to download their wonderful new apps for mobiles was if I was to buy iPhone or tablet - as mentioned already. As you pointed out, JJames, there are a lot of Creative Cloud subscribers who pay a lot of money to Adobe and I think it is totally unfair and discriminatory against those who choose not to use Apple. As to the comment by Will - dismissive and unconcerned is the very least I can say about his comment.  COME ON ADOBE, stop your bias towards Apple and play fair by the rest of your creative users (and this is coming from someone who has a desktop Mac)!  I am a small business user who finds this a totally unacceptable situation and feel I, and other non-apple users are getting a raw deal here.. !!





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Dec 16, 2014 Dec 16, 2014

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HI again. Snarthur, lovely to read you find the apps wonderful. please, don't believe in any form of conspiration by Adobe, what sense can that have? No company that big, believe me, can have the insanity to make a class A class B users based on hardwares. Or on whatever else. Seriously, think about it, and wonder it is as plain as it went faster on iOs.

I have been on windows for ages, probably 15 or 18 years before I moved to Mac and I am still on both as I teach mostly to windows users yet today. I am no partisan of no hardware. I love my iPad, I love my Samsung too.

Though I truly understand everybody's frustration and encourage you to keep the discussion alive, try not to to be destructively provocative. You all have a legitimate expectation that the company needs to hear and you have the right to express it as you feel you are paying for a service that you feel is taking too long to come - do not disqualify the content because of inappropriate style. The thin ice between constructive feedback and offence should not be crossed at any time. I am talking to everybody, Snarthur, not to you in particular.

As I see you still read Will's answer the way it was absolutely not meant to be read, I invite you once more to consider that he promised to keep you informed. If nothing comes yet, then we have nothing official to tell yet. Don't make this about the person, Will of all does not deserve it. There are many different ways more suited the role of a professional to say that you expected a more defined answer. And I took the licence to contact him to see if there is some better answer for the Android users. Believe if there is, you are getting it.

The apps on iPad firstit is not an ideological fight, don't turn it  into that, it disqualifies the credibility of the content. I will keep on following this thread and will be happy to support you all ways I can.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 16, 2014 Dec 16, 2014

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Floramc, I appreciate that every software developer has to prioritise one element over another, regardless of how deep their pockets are, but our frustration lies in the complete lack of response from Adobe other than "we might do it if we fell like it" approach. Considering they actually developed a whole raft of apps for android first, then decided to pull them and are now solely focused on iOS releases (second gen now) whilst the much larger market of Android users get consistently ignored and palmed off, is it no wonder that conspiracy theories are rife?  Sure, the android market is very large and diverse, making it hard to release a stable app on all devices, but why not focus on a select few first and take it from there? Even if you released the apps for the Galaxy note range of devices only at first, you would still find a market almost as large as the iOS platform that is also significantly more capable and advanced with integrated pen input. Just think how much more practical and powerful an app like Ideas could be running on a Note 3 or Note 4 compared to an iphone?

All we Android users (not to mention the poor blighters over at the windows mobile table) want to see is an acknowledgement that we exist and are actively being catered for. A simple : " are currently working on the android versions of the new iOS apps and are at XXXX stage of our development. In the mean time, here are the original Android apps we released back in the market to tie you over."





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Dec 16, 2014 Dec 16, 2014

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I understand the feeling, though I am not sure they mean "we might if we feel like" - it would be indeed an arrogant answer and despite the fact whatever company actually does not need to say sorry for the way they work, I experience Adobe as very very fond of its customers and very sensitive to their moods. Probably just because the expectations are high and they feel the sulkiness (by all means understandable and legitimate) they try to be cautious over the standards.

As you self can see, a single sentence can be turned into something it absolutely has no will to be. You suggest "why not focus on a select few first and take it from there" and here it is not Adobe speaking, it's me, I can also speak for myself, my first reaction is - they probably do, and are making functioning plans for Androids too. It is just bad policy to speak too soon, and despite the frustration grows, it's completely understandable to me that since the situation is as it is - users are annoyed, it's preferable not to engage in discussions that might lead to misunderstanding and more dissatisfaction. Better to get some hate now and a lot of love later than keep on feeding the bad feelings where no sound answers are at hand.

I am definitely not a fan of the iPhone integration, I am not even afraid to say that. Beside Adobe color that has its points, I found little to no use having Ideas on the iPhone, so if you want to hear from an intern voice a critique, on that point I completely agree. I'd rather want drawing tools on my Samsung, instead of my mobile. But I trust the company, done in 20 years and they never let me down - I know they make it up in the end and when they make it up they make it big. Still thinking Surface Pro, sorry if I insist. It's amazing to me.

I hear you, hear you all, and I follow this discussion because I have the mobile apps as one of my first priorities as a professional too. Keep the conversation going and keep on the good reason floating - that is the right focus. We are all waiting and we are all asking. Trust they are professionals at Adobe and trust they care a lot about their customers - it is very sad that it is felt as a betrayal to Android users. It is mostly not like that, I am very sure about it.

Keep the discussion rolling, keep telling Adobe you are eagerly waiting, and then understand the pressure you put on them to deliver at best the more the time goes. It's a company made of sharpest professionals, they are human beings too, I truly believe they try to make everybody happy, it is just impossible at times, or impossible to do that at the same time. It's nice to see you all value the tools that high. It's very motivating.





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Jan 05, 2015 Jan 05, 2015

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You have expressed my feelings EXACTLY! Why would Adobe suck up to Apple when Steve Jobs was always putting them down like James Spader in a Molly Ringwald movie?





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Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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I'm not sure James Spader did that ... in a Molly Ringwald movie "Pretty in Pink " ... by I could be wrong.





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Mar 02, 2015 Mar 02, 2015

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How can they reasonably justify not creating android apps? Is it solely as they want to keep what they perceive to be the creative element using macs through enabling only access to certain apps through apple rather than pc as a means to do so?? I'd like to think not as I've only used pc with Adobe & have always bought or more recently subscribed to their software through my job and personally & I find it absolutely ridiculous that a major software company choose to marginalise it's app usage like this... have they a financial tie in with apple for ios rather than android?? My note 4 is craving these apps especially the vector image convertor...





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Aug 07, 2014 Aug 07, 2014

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Personally, I find this answer to be extremely evasive. No simple "yes - we are planning on releasing them in the future" or "no, we aren't planning on it". Just the typical corporate blow-off. Something weird is going on between Apple and Adobe imo. The almost singular focus on Apple products in Adobe training and advertising is beyond the realm of chance imo. Don't you guys remember?? Mobile CC apps where originally created and released for Android devices when the Creative Cloud was first rolled out. The apps for Android actually outnumbered the apps for iOS! However, due to some issue Apple had with apps being available for download via Adobe CC, the mobile apps where inexplicably withdrawn from our CC subscriptions - even for Android users. This caused a huge stir initially. When the apps finally reappeared - the key Android apps where missing and only iOS apps have been made available. Now - on the CC Mobile Apps webpage - there isn't a single Android app listed and Adobe is even selling iOS peripherals. From a company who provides creative tools to an entire worldwide industry of developers and artists, to continue (after many many many requests/complaints) to disregard a user base such as Android mobile (far larger than iOS worldwide) is suspicious to say the least. So - don't hold your breath is all I'm saying. Since Flash was ousted from mobile (at least from a plug-in perspective) - the instantaneous adoption of everything iOS throughout Adobe's advertising simply has to be related to some sort of mutually beneficial business agreement. Anything else is beyond my ability to fathom at this point and any suspicions in this regard are - in the very least - entirely natural.  Just plain weird (and offensive to an Android/Google user who has had the CC subscription since day 1).





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 20, 2015 Jun 20, 2015

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perfectly stated,

P.E.R.F.E.C.T.L.Y  stated.

It all boils down to the almighty, (or in most cases as of late) NOT so almighty DOLLAR.  -

I guarantee there is a financial windfall for BOTH 'rotten' APPLE and Adobe - They pay each other, i'd be willing to bet, Apple is PAYING Adobe significantly I may add - to NOT make OR to SIGNIFICANTLY slow the development for Android platform apps. The less Android has, the MORE people WILL switch to the Apple side even if ONLY for a mobile device. -

I've HONESTLY thought about ditching my killer Samsung and going with Apple ONLY to be able to use Adobe mobile apps. However, at this point, I will NOT because I still have a couple of scruples left. (but only a couple) and this is one of them.

Besides, with all i've invested in P.C. platform products - It would cost me 15K PLUS to do the dreaded switch to Apple, I won't do it.     PERIOD. -





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Jun 20, 2015 Jun 20, 2015

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‌i still hope you all I stalled the utility apps that are available now for android.





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New Here ,
Aug 22, 2014 Aug 22, 2014

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I'm a little confused about why you're trying to make a "great experience for iOS" and not bothering with Android. While iOS devices were "The first," they're hardly the most popular. You're leaving out half of your potential audience. I think you should also concentrate on making a "great experience for Android" at the same time. It's silly to wait. Bordering on downright bewildering.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 06, 2014 Oct 06, 2014

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I'm beginning to think that they will never make these apps for Android. I feel like Apple has something to do with it. I love Apple to the fullest, but not enough to have to buy EVERYTHING as i like to have an unbiased experience with other products. I ended up buying a Galaxy S5 for the physical features, however 3 months in with it, I forced to feel as though i have to get an iphone right now, to improve my personal workflow. Hopefully i can convince my wife to by the New iphone and we can switch. It sucks to the fullest. There's No reason why Kuler, of all apps, isn't ready and released for android. I just say that they should tell us, we aren't to going make apps for android at this current time. PLease buy an iPhone or iPad to enjoy our apps.





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Oct 06, 2014 Oct 06, 2014

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scrox018 wrote:

I'm beginning to think that they will never make these apps for Android. I feel like Apple has something to do with it. I love Apple to the fullest, but not enough to have to buy EVERYTHING as i like to have an unbiased experience with other products. I ended up buying a Galaxy S5 for the physical features, however 3 months in with it, I forced to feel as though i have to get an iphone right now, to improve my personal workflow. Hopefully i can convince my wife to by the New iphone and we can switch. It sucks to the fullest. There's No reason why Kuler, of all apps, isn't ready and released for android. I just say that they should tell us, we aren't to going make apps for android at this current time. PLease buy an iPhone or iPad to enjoy our apps.


Interestingly, Kuler (which, of course, is now known as Color) *was* available for Android awhile ago but was pulled from Google Play at some point. I had it. It was pretty good. Paid $9.99 USD for it. (I think around that time they pulled it from the App Store but later showed back up as a free app.)

Photoshop Touch was also released for Android first before iOS some months later. In a strange twist, when trying to go to Adobe's official page for PS Touch, you're now taken to the forum.  : /

There was that recent announcement that Adobe's testing the waters with streaming Photoshop to Chromebooks, which is, of course, Google's property.

It was said that Lightroom Mobile was coming to Android at some point but no update as of yet.

Adobe did release Creative Cloud for Android yesterday. (Apparently a "preview" but as far as I can tell, you can view your images on CC and upload to your CC account. It was working fine on my Nexus 7 2013 anyhoo even though people are saying they can't get it to work on tablets.)  /shrug

And, finally, John Nack, who helped to pioneer features in Photoshop like Smart Objects, left Adobe in February to join Google.

What does all this mean? I'm not exactly sure. xD





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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Thanks for the update! I totally went to download some of the new apps. They didn't hace behance either. Well this can give us a little hope.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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Adobe's attitude is not only incredibly insulting and ignorant, it is also short-sighted, particularly considering the top android handsets would actually allow their apps to be more flexible and powerful as they have more RAM at their disposal and the very popular Galaxy Note series would be a perfect device with its integral stylus. This is not acceptable and makes me reconsider staying with my CC subscription. I guess it is time to start looking for adobe alternatives.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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Well I don't think the apps are as necessary to the extent of dumping adobe products all together. The programs are the best out there. No competition. I just think it lame that we who have android devices can't take advantage of apps that essentially improve workfllow and expand creativity.





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New Here ,
Oct 30, 2014 Oct 30, 2014

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There are some products, that are similar and somewhat better





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Explorer ,
Oct 30, 2014 Oct 30, 2014

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would be great if you could list them!

Edgar Andrés Zorrilla

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On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Amenthiuz <forums_noreply@adobe.com>





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 30, 2014 Oct 30, 2014

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I quite like Autodesk Sketchbook. I won't post the link here, but it's super easy to find on the Google Play store. I have it installed on my Lenovo Yoga HD+; I take it to client meetings, and use it to visualize ideas.





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Explorer ,
Oct 30, 2014 Oct 30, 2014

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Which ones! Please share! I got a note 3 and note pro ready for some creative battling!





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 11, 2014 Oct 11, 2014

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With the Samsung Note 4 about to drop and the new stylus i'd love Sketch on that device! Would be a great addition to my expensive CC subscription.





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Oct 30, 2014 Oct 30, 2014

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Id like to be able to use CC libraries with it though





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New Here ,
Nov 30, 2014 Nov 30, 2014

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There was a brief mention in one of the keynote adobe MAX presentations about Android. I am under the impression that Adobe is in the process of developing apps more for Android, however not to expect it within the next year. This was just around the same time they mentioned their work with Microsoft and the Surface. They have already invested heavily in the Apple line of products regardless of reason. I believe once they are past their binge of mobile app roll out on iOS we will begin to see them start transferring code over to android

Their mobile development is still in its infancy. Most of their mobile apps are barely past beta testing, some are still in beta testing. They are just barely starting to fit professional workflow demands on iOS, although they get better with every release. Once they have a solid base of quality mobile products I think we can expect to see them on different platforms, but for now I don't really have a desire to use many of their mobile products yet anyway.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 05, 2014 Dec 05, 2014

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Hi there!

I understand the frustration when it comes to Android apps. I am not speaking officially for nobody but I do not believe there is a selection based on fanciness of iOs opposing Android at all. I noticed while studying for a short while app design that creating for iOs and creating for Android gives different challenges to win and I suppose it takes a longer time to have stable apps that work on both. While probably the code is easily broken with iOs and consequently easier to throw a product on the market, when it is about Android, then many issues just don't go as smoothly as one would want.

There is a huge confession to make that while studying app design, you could even go two different lines: either iOs or Android. Some smart enough went both, and I am really struggling there.

I am sure Adobe has programmers skilled enough to cross over those issues, I am talking profanely as to my feeling that to put the same app on the market with the same stability takes way longer time on an Android. No professional can really go excluding an alternative just because and I don't believe anybody is doing that.

Hopefully later in time we are going to see something happening. I work on both iPad and Android, I prefer my iPad for real sentimental reasons, but don't make this a brand thing, I would reject options of arrogance and negative attitude. It's just a process that requires a different thinking.

Look at Surface Pro and the beautiful integration with CC, I would really reject a selection at the very beginning. It seems like the company is aware there is a pressure to get the apps on Android. There is surely nothing personal on it, just give them time.





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Dec 05, 2014 Dec 05, 2014

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Any business that outfits it's employees with apple products clearly doesn't have an accountant.

I pay as much as an ios user. Your answer can't be "we're currently working on ios, letcha know when we decide the platform that shipped with 80% of devices last year becomes relevant."

I have a word of advice, get a note 4, and enjoy watching your app work as you'd expect it.





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