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Exporting JPGs with © info

Engaged ,
Feb 10, 2021 Feb 10, 2021

Copy link to clipboard


I typically use Image Processor to export JPGs/PDFs with a copyright line. There are often issues with using an action to add: " © John Smith 2021 " flush right in the lower right. The line doesn't always place properly depending on resizing options.

Is there a watermark or other built in function that can be configured to add that info?

I have not had good results using the Export Function as there doesn't seem to be a resize option.



Actions and scripting






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Community Expert ,
Feb 10, 2021 Feb 10, 2021

Copy link to clipboard


jpg filename.jpg

You also have the option of entering the symbol via File Info

Choose File > File Info… and near the bottom of the Description tab fields use the down arrow to change Copyright Status from Unknown to Copyrighted. In the Copyright Notice field choose the Type tool and enter the copyright symbol (Opt+G) and name. You may also enter data in the other fields for record keeping purposes. The © will appear in the file name line for that file.






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Community Expert ,
Feb 10, 2021 Feb 10, 2021

Copy link to clipboard



That is because text is add for a particular size document.  I  create an action years ago the add a text copyright to rge bottom right.  The action use one of my utility scripts to handle  the document size.  The action basically change the document resolution so its print size was 8"  wide and added the copying using font size appropriate for and 8" wide image.  The script was  use before and after added the text line align to the bottom right,  The Script save the Document original resolution one the first run then Action change the resolution. the second rum the script restored the document to it original print resolution.


 However, Adobe  add a bug to Photoshop  scripting in Photoshop 2015.5 that bites my scripts. Its easy to bypass Adobe bug by adding Garbage to the document info meta data.


Now I have created a script the can place your  Copyright or Logo or Watermark  to  your images and size it for the Document being  Marked.  It is would be best to create your  mark as a  vector file like and SVG or AI.   However, a Larger PSD of PNG file will also work well. Large images resize small well. You need to customize the Script for  your watermark/logo/copyright file.  You do that by editing the "var"  statements in the beginning of the script.  You can use the script in an action and that action can be use with Batch or I one of the Image Processor Script.




/* ==========================================================
// 2021  John J. McAssey (JJMack) 
// ======================================================= */
// This script is supplied as is. It is provided as freeware. 
// The author accepts no liability for any problems arising from its use.
<about>$$$/JavaScripts/PlaceLogo/About=JJMack's PlaceLogo ^r^rCopyright 2021 Mouseprints.net^r^rPhotoshop Script^rCustomize using first four var</about>
<category>JJMack's Script</category>
#target photoshop;  
var logoFile = "~/Desktop/JJMack.png";				// Logo Image file should be large for resize down works better than up. Vector files can be any size.
var LogoSize = 10;											// percent of document height to resize Logo to
var LogoMargin = 1;                                         // percent of Document height the Logo should have as a margin
var LogoLocation = 9;										// Like a tick tack toe board 1 through 9.  1=Top Left 9=Bottom Right
var LogoRotation = -20;										// Center Logo Location 5 can be Rotated -90 through +90 degrees  + degree Clockwise - CounterClockwise

app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;				// Dialog off 
var strtRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;	// Save Users ruler units 
var strtTypeUnits = app.preferences.typeUnits;		// Save Users Type units 
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;			// work with pixels 
app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS;		// work with pixels 
//placeLogo(logoFile, LogoSize, LogoMargin, LogoLocation, LogoRotation); // Place Logo into the location 5 would be Document's center
if (documents.length) app.activeDocument.suspendHistory('placeLogo','placeLogo(logoFile,LogoSize,LogoMargin, LogoLocation, LogoRotation)' );
app.preferences.rulerUnits = strtRulerUnits;		// Restore user ruler units  
app.preferences.typeUnits = strtTypeUnits;			// Restore user type units    
function placeLogo(Image,Size,Margin,position,angle){  
	if(!documents.length) return;  							// if no document return
	var fileObj = new File(Image);	 		               	// the passed file
	if(!fileObj.exists){  									// If file does not exits tell user 
		alert(fileObj.name  + " does not exist!"); 			// Alert User 
		return;  											// return
		var doc = app.activeDocument;						// set Doc object to active document
		var layers = app.activeDocument.layers;				// get layers
		app.activeDocument.activeLayer = layers[0];			// Target Top Layer
		placeFile(fileObj); 								// Place in file the Logo File
		activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(100 ,100,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); // Insure Place did not scale layer  
		var SB = activeDocument.activeLayer.bounds; 		// get layers bounds 
		var layerHeight = SB[3] - SB[1];					// get layers height  
		var resizePercent = (100/layerHeight)*(Size/100*doc.height.value); // Percent to resize by 
		activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(resizePercent ,resizePercent,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);  // Resize width and height by percentage 
		marginSize = Margin/100*doc.height.value;			// Margin size
		var selectedRegion = Array(Array(0+marginSize,0+marginSize), Array(doc.width-marginSize,0+marginSize), Array(doc.width-marginSize,doc.height-marginSize), Array(0+marginSize,doc.height-marginSize));
		activeDocument.selection.select(selectedRegion);    // Select  document area for the logo Positioning
		switch (position){									// Align resized logo smart object layer into position
			case 1 : align('AdLf'); align('AdTp'); break;
			case 2 : align('AdCH'); align('AdTp'); break;
			case 3 : align('AdRg'); align('AdTp'); break;
			case 4 : align('AdLf'); align('AdCV'); break;
			case 5 : align('AdCH'); align('AdCV'); activeDocument.selection.deselect(); activeDocument.activeLayer.rotate(angle); break;
			case 6 : align('AdRg'); align('AdCV'); break;
			case 7 : align('AdLf'); align('AdBt'); break;
			case 8 : align('AdCH'); align('AdBt'); break;
			case 9 : align('AdRg'); align('AdBt'); break;
			default : break;
		app.activeDocument.selection.deselect();			// deselect
	catch(e) { alert(e + ': on line ' + e.line); }			// inform user of error  
	finally{ }  
function placeFile(placeFile) {  
    var desc21 = new ActionDescriptor();  
    desc21.putPath( charIDToTypeID('null'), new File(placeFile) );  
    desc21.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('FTcs'), charIDToTypeID('QCSt'), charIDToTypeID('Qcsa') );  
    var desc22 = new ActionDescriptor();  
    desc22.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID('Hrzn'), charIDToTypeID('#Pxl'), 0.000000 );  
    desc22.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID('Vrtc'), charIDToTypeID('#Pxl'), 0.000000 );  
    desc21.putObject( charIDToTypeID('Ofst'), charIDToTypeID('Ofst'), desc22 );  
    executeAction( charIDToTypeID('Plc '), desc21, DialogModes.NO );  

function align(method) {
	var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
	var ref = new ActionReference();
	ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" ), charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" ) );
	desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), ref );
	desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "Usng" ), charIDToTypeID( "ADSt" ), charIDToTypeID( method ) );
		executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "Algn" ), desc, DialogModes.NO );







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