Hello. I have some commercial pdf documentation (purchased) that I am able to print pages from, but I cannot seem to do much with the postscript output when I print to file with a postscript printer selected. I want to add notes and make a few changes, but I cannot open the pdfs in Acrobat 5. I have tried several printers and PDFCreator as the selected printer. Ghostscript on Linux and Distiller 5.0 in Windows XP give the error listed in the subject. I printed from Acrobat Reader 4, which is required. I will update a driver if anyone thinks that will help, but I would like to try to manually fix the error in the postscript.
Here is the file (27kB), which is the postscript print output of printing a single blank page.
My research so far tells me that invalidaccess indicates:
*Trying to write to a read-only dictionary. For example, systemdict /junk 1 put. User code must put use userdict /junk 1 put.
*Trying to put an object in local memory into a global dictionary. For example, false setglobal globaldict /junk (local string) put. Correct usage is currentglobal true setglobal globaldict /junk (global string) put setglobal.
*Writing to a file that has been opened for reading. (examples/colorcir.ps) (r) file (hello) writestring
I believe that the problem is the first case, trying to write to systemdict, because I cannot find the other commands in the postscript output. Line number 55 seems to do a systemdict put, which would voilate the systemdict being read-only, but I do not have enough postscript experience to know how to fix this.
Any suggestions? Thanks a bunch. -Greg