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Error: invalidaccess; OffendingCommand: --nostringval-- ]

New Here ,
Feb 25, 2008 Feb 25, 2008

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Hello. I have some commercial pdf documentation (purchased) that I am able to print pages from, but I cannot seem to do much with the postscript output when I print to file with a postscript printer selected. I want to add notes and make a few changes, but I cannot open the pdfs in Acrobat 5. I have tried several printers and PDFCreator as the selected printer. Ghostscript on Linux and Distiller 5.0 in Windows XP give the error listed in the subject. I printed from Acrobat Reader 4, which is required. I will update a driver if anyone thinks that will help, but I would like to try to manually fix the error in the postscript.

Here is the file (27kB), which is the postscript print output of printing a single blank page.

My research so far tells me that invalidaccess indicates:
*Trying to write to a read-only dictionary. For example, systemdict /junk 1 put. User code must put use userdict /junk 1 put.
*Trying to put an object in local memory into a global dictionary. For example, false setglobal globaldict /junk (local string) put. Correct usage is currentglobal true setglobal globaldict /junk (global string) put setglobal.
*Writing to a file that has been opened for reading. (examples/colorcir.ps) (r) file (hello) writestring

I believe that the problem is the first case, trying to write to systemdict, because I cannot find the other commands in the postscript output. Line number 55 seems to do a systemdict put, which would voilate the systemdict being read-only, but I do not have enough postscript experience to know how to fix this.

Any suggestions? Thanks a bunch. -Greg






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Feb 25, 2008 Feb 25, 2008

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It seems the original PDF was protected (encrypted), and you try to create
another (possibly unencrypted) PDF from it by re-distilling. The "error" you
see is ment to fail such a job, dissalowing you to do that "conversion".
Note that the PS file you get will work fine in a printer, just not when
trying to convert it back to PDF.

What you really need is to ask the author(s) for the owner password of that
PDF, or for an unprotected copy. Then you can use Acrobat to do the changes
you need.





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