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Creating a menu for Blu-ray disc in Premier Elements 14

Explorer ,
Nov 30, 2019 Nov 30, 2019

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I have a project in Premire Elements 14 which is a compilation of short films. I am attempting to create a disc menu but am having a problem when burning to Blu-ray disc.

By following the instructions in Steve Grisetti's book (the Muvipix guide) I have set a blue menu marker for the start, and a red stopper marker for the end of each movie with the titles typed into the text boxes. I've selected a menu template on which the title of each film is displayed and when I preview the disc, clicking the play buttons plays each film and then returnes to the main menu page so all seems to be working correctly in the project.

I have tried burnihng a Blu ray disc but when I play this via a Blu ray player the films do not revert to the main menu after showing and simply continue playing the next film on the list. However, a DVD that I burned works perfectly.

I wonder if anyone can suggest what I might be doing wrong and how can I burn a blu ray disc which works correctly? 


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