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Premier Elements 11 starts to open and freezes

New Here ,
May 16, 2021 May 16, 2021

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I bought the discs and used it for years on a windows 7 pro machine.  Uninstalled (it had recently stopped working message was driver errors).  Got new machine HP Fury with windows 10 pro.  It installs fine and the left sided menu works great ref files etc but starting new project just does not complete.  I tested the Mac version on my old MacAir  (never used it before on it) and it installed perfectly so could use it on that but prefer on new machine. Not tried uninstalling and re installing yet as I wonder if there is something basic I am missing here.  Help much appreciated.

Freeze or hang






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Community Expert ,
May 16, 2021 May 16, 2021

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I don't think you are missing anything.   Basically, you are pioneering using software designed to run on Windows 7 on a new computer.  No one else will have exactly those same three pieces.   Operating system parts that Premiere Elements connected to in Windows 7 will be different with Windows 10.  Reinstalling might work, but if the under the hood parts don't connect right, you will have have challenges!  

It is an unfortunate part of computer use that you may have to keep your software current with your operating system and computer.





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Community Expert ,
May 16, 2021 May 16, 2021

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Two ideas that MAY work to install and/or run old programs in Windows 10
-RIGHT click the program icon or EXE and select a compatibility mode in the pop up option window
-and/or select Run as Administrator to assign FULL Windows permissions
-also https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/create-local-administrator-account-windows.html





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New Here ,
Jul 12, 2021 Jul 12, 2021

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Many thanks for your responses. I did try the right click dministrator idea already and that did not work. 

I have not tried the interesting suggestion of creating a local user as per the link....... 

However, I WAS able to transfer my Powerdirector 17 program over to the Windows 10 Pro machine and it was WONDERFUL to have direct help from their helpdesk before I did it to reassure me I was not going to "screw" that up somehow.....(I am particularly gifted that way...)

One day when I have more time, I will try Adobe Premier again but honestly I can do things just as well in PD 17 at my level....I also used Davinci Resolve 17 Freeware version and found the colour rendering to be interesting but not really better (at my low level!).  btw why is Resolve SO dark?  Very difficult to see the buttons and so on....4K screen makes everything SO small too....





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