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Sehr geehrtes Adobe Team,
ich möchte Premiere Elements 13 auf einem neuem laptop Installieren, leider fehlt hier der Deaktivierungsbutton und es ist nur der Button zur Anmeldung sichtbar.
Nach Rücksprache mit dem support, muss ein Fall hier aufgemacht werden, da es dort keine Möglichkeit gibt, die produkte zu deaktivieren.
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Peter Obstfeld
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I would reccomend that you not install a version that old on new computer with a new operating system.
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"a version that old" .... we talk about version 13 from the last year. But i think you don't know what the problem is. Pleas read the infos before answering! My problem is, that i can't UNinstall the version on our old laptop. I have no "Abmelden"- or "Deaktivieren"-Button.
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Last year's version would be 2023 or "23". Since it is that new, you should be able to log into your account and remove your old computer. Have you tried that?
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Does not look like last year's version, wrong color of the icon.
Go to Uber Adobe Premiere Elements and take a sreenshot and post here op fourm.
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I see from my notes that I bought version 13 in October 2014!
Thus version 13 is not from last year (2023).
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.... thank you! You are right. I tried to check that and i found, that the Version is from 2015. I just bought a new Version of Photoshop Elements in Feb. 2023 and not - as I thougt - Photoshop Elements AND Premiere Elements. But the Problem with the deactivation of the Premiere Elements is solved since yesterday in the evening and i close that thread now. Thanks for your answere. Kind regards. Peter
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Right it is still possible to buy older versions cheaper, its ok since no recomend or warnings are out there by Adobe - i also had old versions but cant get them registered on my acc (see my topics )