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Premiere Elements 2020 installation error about needing updating OS and browser

Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2022 Feb 24, 2022

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I purchased the Premiere and Photoshop Elements 2020 bundle and I only installed the Photoshop Elements two years ago with no problems. When I tried to install Premiere Elements on 2/23/22, I keep on getting the installation error that I needed to updated my Windows 10 OS and my browser which is Microsoft Edge. I have all the latest updates on my Windows 10 and for my Windows Edge browser, but I still am getting that persistent error message. I have followed all the suggestions I found on Adobe Help website as well as the results from Adobe saying that I needed to update the registry for Internet Explorer 11. All the suggested fixes do not work especially about their long explanation about changing the windows registry for Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer has been replaced by MS Edge long time ago and I don't use IE anymore. Please help me fix this installation problem so I can install Premiere Elements so I can use this to start working on my video project. as soon as possible. If I don't get this fixed, I am thinking of purchasing a competitive video editing software because I need this to work on my video project. Thanks.

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Feb 25, 2022 Feb 25, 2022

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If this doesn't help, it might be worth considering a different editor.






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Community Beginner ,
Feb 25, 2022 Feb 25, 2022

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Hi Steve

The link you shared with me were the same suggestions that Adobe provided and they didn’t work. First of all, I have all the current updates for Windows 10 and my Microsoft Edge has all the current updates. I carefully followed all the needed updates for the Windows Registry pertaining to Internet Explorer as shown in that link. Most of the suggested changes were not applicable since I do not have all the Adobe Applications that the author of that fix had. I only had a few of them such as Adoble Acrobat DC and Adobe Photoshop and all my Registry entries are all correct.  At the time this suggestion was created, tje Internet Explorer browser was still around.  However, Microsoft's browser is now Microsoft Edge and no longer Internet Explorer as I mentioned in my original post.
Is there a way to bypass the section where the Installer checks for Internet Explorer and other things so I can just install Adobe Premiere 2020 from the disk? Anyway I have a valid Serial number for Adobe Premiere Elements 2020 when I bought my software from B&H two years ago. If this is not possible, can you direct me to the link where I can install Adoble Premiere Elements 2020 directly from the Adobe Support site and I could use my valid Serial numbers for the software? Thanks.





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Community Expert ,
Feb 26, 2022 Feb 26, 2022

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