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So I downloaded the free trial of Adobe Premiere Elements 2022 on 18-Sep and for over three weeks now I have not been able to get the Video Editor to load. The package downloads, installs, and runs fine, but when I click Video Editor I get a message that says "Loading Adobe Premiere Elements Editor Workspace..." which then just disappears and leaves me back at the main menu.
I have had countless support "live chats" (both with the chatbot and "real people"), exchanged dozens of emails and had two support agents remotely log into my system and fail to resolve the problem. Now it has been more than six days since I last heard anything from Adobe support and I am at my wit's end. I tried to initiate yet another live support chat just now and Ashish told me he needed to transfer my enquiry to the relevant team, then abruptly cancelled the session because it was "out of hours". =(
(Incidentally, when I came here to post this I noticed that Elements 2023 has just been released. I just tried running this too but it made no difference.)
I think I'm done with this. There must be at least several other software packages out there that will meet my simple needs without all this stress and time wasting. Maybe I'll give them my money instead!
I really just wanted to vent, but if anybody here happens to have any suggestions for me, I'm all ears until I find a competitor's solution. I am trying to run it on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. Neither myself, my other tech savvy friends, nor multiple Adobe support agents could work this out yet though, so I'm not going to hold my breath! =P
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Well, you said you're just here to vent. And if that's the case, you can ignore everything I'm suggesting. But if not ---
First go to the nVidia or AMD (or Intel) sites and ensure you have the very latest drivers for your graphics card or graphics system. Naturally you'll also want to go to Windows Update and check to ensure you have all their latest. And go to this site and download Microsoft Visual C++ too.
Generally speaking the program would load and work right out of the box on Windows 10. But, since you can't run either of the latest versions, I'd assume something is needed at your end. These couple of steps might turn the trick.
You can also close everything and try right-clicking on the program and selecting Run as Administrator and see if that makes a difference.
If that doesn't do it, I'd just get my money back from Adobe asap and move on. If there's something that deep that's imcompatible, you'll drive yourself nuts trying to find it, IMHO>
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Hi Steve! I did definitely need to vent, but as I said I'm still open to any suggestions and I haven't found a better competing solution yet! 😃
All my drivers and updates are patched, and Adobe support double checked this, running as adminstrator, and many other things. However, you may be onto something! I have been having problems for a few months now with my Visual C++ runtimes, so if that could be a factor, it sounds to me like that may very well be the culprit! Perhaps Adobe aren't to blame here, but Microsoft? There's a thread about the problem here, in case you're curious or maybe can verify if this does sound like it might be my problem?;PackageActi/1510400
Thanks for your time, I look forward getting to the bottom of this frustrating problem, even if I have to eat my words about Adobe tech support being useless, and the much harsher things I've said about them privately! =P
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See if the program is listed under Ransomware Protection.
If so, uncheck.
or maybe this one:
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Hi Ann, thanks for responding! It's not listed under Ransomware Protection (which is actually turned off completely anyway) and the suggestions found in that thread don't work. The first Adobe support tech tried them previously and I just tried them again now myself just in case, but still nada. I actually renamed the SLStore directory multiple times throughout the process just to make sure. Thanks for trying though! 😃
It actually gets worse now though... last night, about half an hour after I posted this thread calling Adobe tech support "useless", I received an email saying my support case had been closed!! Now they want me to start all over again from their Customer Care page/live bot chat, which is an absolute freaking s**tshow! I'm tearing my hair out here... =~(
Do you (or anybody reading this) have any idea whether my ongoing VC++ problems could be the culprit here? If I can avoid dealing with Adobe "support" ever again that would be preferable, at least the MS VC++ team seem to be working on that known problem currently!
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I hope you don't think I'm being cynical when I say that I think it's time to get your money back and move on to another video editing program. I'm not at all being facetious or mean. It's just that when something is this challenging, looking for fixes is going to take you down a rabbit hole with very frustrating results.
I highly recommend you give CyberLink PowerDirector a try. It's an excellent editor at about the same price as Premiere Elements. At least try the free trial and see if you get better results.
If so, you've found solution. If not, then we know there's something up with your computer.
But I've seen people lose their minds struggling to get one piece of software to work. It's rarely worth it.
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Oh I hear you Steve! I've been down rabbitholes like this more than once before, and it doesn't always solve the problem! And it's usually not worth the stress or the time spend on the diagnoses.
Somebody from the Premiere Elements team has contacted me via private message with some questions, maybe I'll get lucky.. it's also possible that this is being caused by the Visual C++ problems I mentioned above, so I'll wait to hear back from Adobe and/or MS on that note. But I think I will give CyberLink PowerDirector a try in the meantime. What I want to do right now is stupidly simple I suspect, and can probably be done with one of several free tools or apps, but Adobe products have a good reputation and I wanted to give Premiere Elements a try first before diving down another unknown rabbithole. Also, I didn't yet pay for APE, I couldn't even get the free trial working, so luckily I won't be out of pocket nor have to stuff around to get a refund!
Thanks for the advice anyway Steve. 😃
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I am also getting an Installer error 0x80000003 trying to install CyberLink PowerDirector now. I really wonder now if it could be VC++ or something else on my system causing the problem and not APE itself... hopefully somebody from one of the multiple support teams can help me figure this out!!
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Just to follow up, PowerDirector seemed to install and run fine despite the error message, but it crashed when I tried to add an effect to a video. Clearly this still requires further investigation, and I will also need to read/watch some tutorials on how to use it, because I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing here! =D
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If your computer came with a Windows DVD it may be time to completely wipe your drive and start with a fresh install of Windows
Also, if your computer came with a motherboard DVD have you made sure that your motherboard device drivers are curreent?
There does seem to be SOMETHING going on with your computer that is causing your program problems
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I don't even have a DVD drive anymore, but reinstalling Windows via other means would be no problem if it came down to that. However I have zero interest in reinstalling my OS (and everything on it) just to get one or two broken programs to work, when there are probably very acceptable competitor's alternatives out there. But you're not wrong, something very strange is going on here, and I hope that somebody from one of the various tech support teams or community forums can figure this out! 😃
(Also, almost everything in this PC is brand new, the OS install is recent and all my drivers are current.)