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Receive error stating "one or more effects or transitions in your project are no longer supported".

New Here ,
May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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Hi folks,  I am moving from Premiere Elements 9 to 2023.  When loading a project, I am receiving an error stating "one or more effects or transitions in your project are no longer supported".  I am presented with an  OK option and Learn more option, but no explanation to help me pin point the transition or effect that was available in Elements 9.

Choosing OK clears the message. Choosing learning more takes me to the below URL, but still no indication which effect or transition is producing the error.



Can you please help me find what Premiere Elements is complaining about?  Any logs, System or Application that I can look at?

Please help. 

Error or problem






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May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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I don't have a good answer.  Version 9 was current a dozen years ago.  Even the underlying operating systems have changed.  A dozen years is too long for anyone to remember what effect and transitions were available.  Nor does Premiere Elements developers seek to make versions "backward compatible".   A project created in any version should only be edited in that version.  Simple projects from old version may load without issue in new versions.  It can happen that opening an old version's project in a new version will corrupt the files.  Be sure to work with project copies if you try.  





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May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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Thanks, my question was, can you please help me find what Premiere Elements is complaining about?  Any logs, System or Application that I can look at?  Not necessarily, what people remember from "a dozen years ago" or a scolding on taking forever to upgrade.

Anyone else care to respond with something more constructive and helpful?





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Community Expert ,
May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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I apologize if my tone seemed to be of "scolding".  My intent is to be friendly and helpful.  Writing short, readable answers sometimes become abrupt. 


Your current version is complaining about not being able to process effects or transitions that were included in a project created in an older version.  Some effect or transition was changed or deleted.   As you point out, the link is not helpful.  


I will try to be more clear.  If you open a project constructed in a previous version in a newer version there can be errors.  An effect or transition my have been removed, replaced or re-coded.  The new version can't use it.  You may get an error message like you have.  The new version may actually corrupt the project file.  Output rendering may stall.  In short, Adobe has never promoted  or tried to provide "backward compatability" as a goal with this product.  Sometimes it will work and sometimes it will not.     


I started participating on this forum with version 9.  There have never been any logs, lists, lists, notes or applications that can provide the differences in what effects and transitions were included in the varias versions.   Adobe's marketing always provides a "What's new each year," list.  


Steve Grisetti is a regular participant here.  He has his own website and has written a book on each version.  He may remember what changes were made, version by version.  Steve also has repeadedly suggested that one should not open projects from older versions in newer versions.  

If your intent was to use the new version to edit projects from the old version, you will continue to be disappointed.  My suggestion is to consider getting a refund.  If you bought directly from Adobe you have a 30 day satisfaction window. 





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May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023

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When you click OK, does the project open?





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New Here ,
May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023

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Thanks for your help so far.  The project does open, but I would expect that the error in question produces some type of log to be reviewed by support.  In fact, there is a file named "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements 2023\LogTransport2.exe".  Assuming this is in the directory for a purpose, I believe that it is reasonable to assume a log is generated for all errors, project, system, etc., hence my original question.  Case in point,  the only log I see from 2023 is related to "Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements 2023\MPEGHDVExport.exe". Dependent Assembly Plug-ins\Common\TSStrider,type="win32",version="" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis."
This is the only error log in the windows event view.  Could this be the log I need, although it's not an effect or transition?  If so, how can an executable be attached to a project file? How can it be detached? To try and remove this error, i copied the executable and dll into the locations, but the error occurred again.


In addition to the above, I noticed that some of my overlay graphics were rotated 90 degrees,  so I thought that they might be the issue.  These graphics only had a luma key effect and opacity applied.  In Premiere 2023, this shows only as "Offline (filter unavailable)".  I removed these effects, but still see the error.  


After opening the old project in Premiere Elements 9, I also noticed that it had a disc menu applied. Since the feature in not available in 2023, I should assume that it should not matter.  The opening and ending titles/credits are still functional so this should not affect the project and prompt the error.  Still no other error logs are being tracked in Windows.

It would be ideal to have the ability to see exactly which plugins, titles, effects, transitions, etc. are in a project.  Also a validation or project upgrade prompt saying "hey, we noticed you used PrE v.9, would you like to upgrade the project file or save it as PrE2023?" and "by the way, this transition or effect is no longer available, but here's a suggesting replacement" or better yet the validation could just tell the user what the exact issue is in a log.  Perhaps that the product and user experience manager in me speaking out about the bad choices being made.

I would still like to clear this message. Any further help is welcome





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Community Expert ,
May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023

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Those are all good suggestions, but I have doubts that they will be implemented.





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