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Using Premiere elements 2024 I try to recover projects created with previous versions of Premiere elements (14, 15). However, these projects contain menu marks, not available anymore in the current version of Premiere elements.
How can I recover these projects?
1 Correct answer
What message do you get when you try to open an old project in the version you have?
Does the project open at all?
The 'general' advice I have seen here is to complete a project in the version used to create the project, since backward compatibility is 'usually' not possible
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What message do you get when you try to open an old project in the version you have?
Does the project open at all?
The 'general' advice I have seen here is to complete a project in the version used to create the project, since backward compatibility is 'usually' not possible
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Er staat heel duidelijk in het bericht dat projecten die markers bevatten niet meer worden ondersteund.
Met ander woorden: helaas.
Wil je toch de projecten openen dan dien je (indien mogelijk) Elements 14 of 15 te installeren.
Markers verwijderen dan maar hopen dat het project in versie 24 opent.