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video offline error

Explorer ,
Jul 10, 2020 Jul 10, 2020

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I read some of the threads on this, but could not figure out how to fix my problem. I have about 6 video segments that were on my timeline, at different places. Suddenly, I am getting what is saying something like "video offline" (im mult languages) on the central area where my videos are usually displayed. I figured they must have been lost, so I tried to just load them again. I first just deleted one video segment. Then, at the same location, I reloaded that same video segment which was still in my what I think is called a resorce folder. However, when I did this, I still was not able to see any video. Perhaps that is a clue to someone out there as to what is going on.

Thanks for your assistance.


Error or problem , Performance






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Community Expert ,
Jul 10, 2020 Jul 10, 2020

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Is your media on an external drive not connected or that doesn't have a fixed drive letter?





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Explorer ,
Jul 11, 2020 Jul 11, 2020

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It is on fixed SSD inside my Dell desktop computer. I should add something else which might shed light. As I said, when I had tried to erase 1 of my video segments and just go back to "project assets" and drag the file back to the same location on that same track, it did not work--still could not see video. But then I went back to the "Add Media" drop down menu and brought back another instance of the video file I was working on. I simply changed the name a little. It now CAN be entered into my project. 

The only problem is that I had laboriously edited each of the 5 video files so that they would fit in with the music and not get in the way of one another. I would rather be able to recover my work, or, at the very least, figure out why this occurred so as to  avoid it in the future.







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Jul 11, 2020 Jul 11, 2020

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Something happened that changed the link between our project and your media. As Bob was implying, sometimes this happens if the media is on a hard drive or device that is disconnected mid-way through your project.


In your case, it appears the media, your project and your operating system are all on the same drive. Is that right? And this drive has plenty (at least 50-100 gigs) of free space on it, right?


In any event, the first time you open your project and this link is broken, you'll be prompted to locate a media file. If you locate that file, the program will automatically relink to every other media file in that same location.


Unfortunately, you may have saved the project without re-linking to your files. If that's the case and you're no longer getting the prompt to locate a media file when you open a project, you have a lot of work ahead of you because you'll need to re-link all of these media files manually. When you open your project are you not seeing a prompt to link to a file but instead going directly to the Media Offline screen?





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Explorer ,
Jul 11, 2020 Jul 11, 2020

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Thanks for getting back to me so soon.

I use my SSD for the video editing, but usually save to my bigger hard drive. However, I'm not sure where the project (*.prel) has been saving to. Often the program prompts me where to save it, and I just go with the suggestion, other than giving it a name.

My SSD has pletny of free space--333 of 418GB. My Windows 10 is also on the SSD.

You are correct: when I used to open a .prel file, it would automatically open. Now, I do get a prompt to locate this media file. However, I have looked on each drive, but cannot locate one that is similar to the project as it had been developed.

I  do have a backup disk, though I wouldn't know where to start. I guess I'll have a quick look at that and see if that would help. I do  know the date I am looking for when it was at the point I had advanced to.

As I had said, even if I have to manually redo everything, it's not the worst thing. I would just like to know what I might have done to cause this. Maybe I  should make a point of copying at least my Prel files to the SSD.








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Community Expert ,
Jul 11, 2020 Jul 11, 2020

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"but usually save to my bigger hard drive."

Is tht an external drive?


"Often the program prompts me where to save it, and I just go with the suggestion, other than giving it a name."

You really should take note of where it is saved.

You should also save to or copy to your backup drive.





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Explorer ,
Jul 11, 2020 Jul 11, 2020

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No, my Dell has an SSD and a bigger "regular" hard drive--all internal. 

Yes, I realize I should now take note of where it is saved. 

My files are automatically backed up. I still haven't looked for it there bc I have alrady started the process of reloading all the necessary video files. I feel that learning how to retrieve it from my backup (external) drive would take longer than my just doing it all over again.






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