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Miksihän kamerasta ( Sony Handycam/ Canon XH A1 )en saa tuotua videota suoraan 2021ohjelmaan kuten vanhassa Elements 7 versiossa?
Pitääkö ohjelma ladata uudelleen vai onko jossain raksi poikittain?
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Again, I'm depending on computer translation and may not understand your question.
Firewire capture worked for cameras common when version 7 was current. That feature was dropped several years ago. You will need to find an independent capture and system to convert to current digital file formats.
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Miksi en saa tuotua videota suoraan 2021 ohjelmaan videokamerasta ( Sony Handycam/ Canon XH A1) kuten vanhassa 7-versiossa? Virheilmoitus: " No supported device has been detected"
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I'm relying on computer translation. Forgive me if I don't understand your question!
In order for any of the common editing systems to work, the video files must be on the computer. Video files are not "in" a project, they are "linked" to the project. Having the video file on the computer is necessary for that.
If your cameras are "DV Tape" you will need a conversion process. Try a google search on "firewire capture" for more information.
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Kiitos vastauksesta. Vanhat analogiset Hi8 kasetit ja digitaaliset DV ja HD nauhat ovat siis unohdettu uusissa ohjelmissa.
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You cannot capture footage of a Canon XHA1 with Elements 2021 as you could with Elements 7.
Elements 2021 dropped the capturing over firewire feature.
Stick to Elements 7 for capturing and edit the footage with 2021.
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Thank you for your answer. So I have to make first file by Premiere 7 or other way and then I can use it with newest version. Oh..about 150 camcorder DV cassettes..
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If you are windows you can use HDVSplit.
Old program but still good. Used to use it all the time with my xha1.
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Ok. I'll go on Premiere 7 version using for that.
Many thanks for your reply.
PS. one new question: how can I stop Adobe Support Community discussions of other things to me.
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Go into your profile (right top corner) and set email.