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Premiere Elements 15 stops working

New Here ,
Jan 16, 2020 Jan 16, 2020

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Hi all,


I have Premiere and Photoshop Elements 15 installed on my computer. I used them occasionally, and they have working fine for a couple of years now. Just last month, both software was running fine. Now, only Photoshop works. Premiere does not launch, and there is no error message. I tried running it through the desktop shortcut, directly in the Program Files folder, from the Adobe Organizer, and open previously created projects. I also tried running it as Administrator.  None works. In the Task Manager, I saw it popped up then immediately disappeared. I reinstalled the software, reset winsock, deleted the 15.0 folder (folder was recreated from launching Premiere). None works. I am running on Windows 10 Enterprise. There is no hardware changes nor new software installation since the last time Premiere was working. There are still plenty of hard drive space.  There are plenty of memory and CPU power as shown in task manager. The PC has no antivirus software except for Microsoft Defender that comes with Windows. In short, Premiere just stops working for no apparent reason. Any help is appreciated.

Crash , Error or problem






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