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premiere elements 2018 loses sound

Community Beginner ,
Feb 10, 2020 Feb 10, 2020

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two video clips, and two remixed sound clips.

I import them.

sound clips are fine, and the waveform appear.
one sound clip has the sound.

one clip loses the sound. that clips windows can play the sound. PE can not.

PR is just plain losing the sound track.
happened before.

happens now.

sound is there at the start, and about the time the waveform is half done, the sound disappears.
windows 10, pe 2018


with a version every year, I would think that problems like this would never happen.

yet there are forum pages of how the brand new version fails.


why not make working more important than changes and new features?


I have two projects to complete today,

and the tool PE is just not able to do the job.


hours spent trying to do something which should simply just work,

not endlessly screw up.



am I not saying the proper prayer

when importing files, or when placing them?

it does not seem to be clear in the manual


Error or problem






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Community Beginner ,
Feb 13, 2020 Feb 13, 2020

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to add, the sound and the computer work. I can play the sound in wondows filemanager.

I can hear the sound file with no problem.
the video, which does have a sound track,
and which starts to draw the waveform, stops,
and then all the sound from that video clip is gone.
the sound clips still work.

I have a deadline, and PE is dead.
I spend hours trying to work around this idiocy,

Pe has had almost 20 versions, and this should not be happening in version 18.

and it does not seem possible.





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Community Expert ,
Feb 13, 2020 Feb 13, 2020

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Always on Windows and getting a new version every year or two since version 9, the only audio issue I've had was that the Audio Hardware settings were wrong.  It appeared to be caused by a Windows update.   


If I had seen your issue on my computer it would be easy to answer.  I suspect it will be harder than that.  


So far you'v said you can hear the audio, then you can't hear it, you've "remixed" the audio, you are on a deadline, Windows Explorer will open the audio file in some player on your computer and that you are angry at Adobe.   You have not said where the audio came from, how it was remixed, its "format", its codec, how it is imported or what your audio hardware setting are.  

Even know that, it may be hard to help on a user to user forum.  





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