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Premiere Elements 2020 - Time remapping issues/losing video

New Here ,
Dec 31, 2019 Dec 31, 2019

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I recently upgraded to Premiere Elements 2020 from an older version and am having issues with using Time Remapping to slow down sections of video. The problem is that whenever a clip is slowed down only the first 15% or so of the clip is saved, the rest is simply a black screen. I checked the relevant settings for the clips. When initially time remapped the video seems fine (still in the Time Remapping window), but once I return to the main timeline the video is clipped off. The timeline preview still shows the frames, if I enter back into the Time Remapping options (double click the clip) the time lime snapshot looks good, but all video previews clip the video and my export renders also clip the video in these sections. Any help or advice on this?

Error or problem , Export






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