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Audio Dissolve handles

Participant ,
Mar 06, 2024 Mar 06, 2024

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This isn't really a bug, but more an issue with a change that was made. I like the new audio dissolve on the timeline. But I find when I go to adjust the timing of it, it is near impossible to adjust without hitting the volume white line and end up changing that. Sure, I can turn off the white line, but I like to be able to add keyframes and adjust those within the sequence. If you could make the box for the audio dissolve the full height of the track, that would help. Of course that means you'd need to make the other stuff that appears at the top of the track responsive to shove over when you have a dissolve in place. Or maybe you could put the handles boxes for the audio dissolve on the bottom of the box to be able to adjust it. I also find it near impossible to select it by double clicking to change the dissolve length manually.

Bug Unresolved
Feature request , Feedback






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