Hi gents,
I have one sequence which is about 3 hours of footage, and I have made a lot of Markers on this timeline. The audio stopped playing back on this sequence alone. It is not muted, not soloed, there are no technical problems with the system. (The other sequences all have audio which IS playing back.)
So I made a new sequence and copy and pasted the footage into it - and the audio worked! BUT, the markers were missing. So I deleted that set of pasted shots, changed my marker settings to "Copy Paste Includes Sequence Markers" -- and I copy and pasted the footage into the new sequence again. Okay, this time the markers came through, BUT - the audio was mysteriously muted again.
It seems like markers and audio playback are conflicting with each other somehow. Here are the specs of my system.
System info
Application: Premiere Pro (Beta) v24.3.0.39
OS: Windows v10.0.22631, RAM: 31.68 GB GB, CPUs (logical): 16