When using productions, The autosave is saved in the production folder heirachy even though its set totherwise in the preferences. This is causing Duplicate Project messages and is a mess.
Thanks for reporting this. This is unfortunately a known bug we are looking into where the Premiere Pro Production .prodset file loses track of the "Same as Production" scratch disk target, triggering a roll back to the "Same as Project" scratch disk target (even though your Premiere Pro scratch disk settings will still display "Same as Production," since "Same as Project" is not an available option in a Premiere Pro Production).
There is a quick way to repair this. Instead of using "Same as Production" in your scratch disk settings, set your scratch disk target locations to a specific location on disk using the "Browse" button. By choosing this path directly rather than using the "Same as Production" shortcut, Premiere Pro will write the updated custom path data to the .prodset file and repair the issue. You can set this location to be the exact same place where "Same as Production" would save your scratch disk content if you would like to do so - the issue is not with the location on disk, but with how Premiere Pro handles the "Same as Production" shortcut.
Note: The steps above will not remove any existing scratch disk folders that have populated throughout your production as a result of the bug. These will have to be cleaned up manually.