The captions are not turning on when going into export my edited video. I edited a video 2 days ago and it was working fine, with the most recent update, it will not toggle on.
Thank you Stan! It wasn't working for me with Mac Mini M2 Pro, macOS Sonoma 14.0. It's working fine now. I appreciate you sharing regarding submitting bugs, but that's exactly what I did to submit this bug and any other bug I've submitted. It takes you to the community page. Have a great evening!
Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad it is working now. The "Report a bug" should prompt you for the system info and then take you to a Post page where you can check bug or discussion. You do have to Ctrl+V to paste the system info.
"Visit the community" takes you to the plain PR Beta forum. "Request a feature" goes to the main PR forum feature request page. There is no Beta feature request forum, but you can tag any discussion or bug as a feature request.
Thank you Stan! Again, I'm very aware of how to click on a prompt that says "report a bug", which is what I did. Where it took me is where I filled out the information. The only thing I failed to do was copy/paste my system info, because I wasn't really thinking about that at 2-3am when I'm trying to finish a project and wanted to just make sure to report information. I didn't click on "visit the community." I think if you are going to moderate and provide information, discounting my experience with how the system routed me, is probably not the most effective method for solving problems. I also didn't ask for your advice on how to click a button. I go where it takes me, I click on the buttons it tells me to (bug button in this instance), and I add the information that I am experiencing to hopefully help the programmers and engineers generate a better product. I will continue reporting bugs and next time remember to copy and paste after editing for 10 hours straight.
Thanks for the feedback. My apologies for discounting your experience. My main flaw is being too detailed, lengthy, and oversharing. I was actually assuming the system let you down, and looking for the flaw in the system.