Hi guys, longtime listener first-time caller.
I'm a documentary editor and heavily use copy/paste in my timelines, always saving versions of ideas in different places, trying different lines, etc. My timelines are huge and my projects are huge.
I use title cards resting above clips as sort of organizational post-it notes for my selects ("this is great, don't forget", "this bit is the ending", "put Freebird under this and we'll win the Oscar").
However, the last few versions of Premiere have a game-breaking, slit-your-wrists-level bug, where if you select a big chunk of timeline that includes title cards and COPY, it won't paste. You can copy&paste big swaths of timeline WITHOUT title cards per usual, but the moment you add a single title card, it won't paste.
I've investigated this somewhat and found that you can copy ONE clip (video and internal audio) with ONE title card and it will paste. Two title cards? No. Two hundred clips and one title card? No. Anything more than 1 clip and one title card, won't paste.
Please fix this. I'll bake you a pie 😮
MacOS 14.5
Beta version 24.6 (Build 5) as well as stable version 24.4.1