I'm trying to delete sections of video by editing the transcript. I hightlight text, it creates an in point and out point. When I try to lift or extract, nothing happens. I can edit fine in my sequence.
I cannot test in the Beta currently. You have the transcribed clip in the sequence, correct? And when it marks in/out it is in the sequence? Do you have the extract/lift in the transcript tab?
I have the clip in the sequence, it marks in and out in the sequence, and I have the option to extract and lift in the transcript tab. I think I'm noticing that this only happens when I have a new, unedited sequence. Once I make in edit in the timeline, it seems to work.
just to get a little bit more information: is your focus in the Text panel when you're trying to use Lift/Extract? Are you using keyboard shortcuts, the buttons, or the options in the context menu (opens on right-click on selected text)?
It was originally in the text panel where I used Backspace, then tried both the lift and extract buttons. I went to the Program panel and tried the lift and extract buttons underneath. The in and out point would dissapear but no edit was made to the sequence.
I'm not able to repro the issue that you are seeing on my end. Are you able to share a screen recording with me (you can also just send me a message directly) so I can see exactly what you are doing and when it's happening?
Same issue. It worked fine before the last update. Now it doesn't work. Mac, most updated, most recent MBP model. the timeline extract doesn't work either. The entire clip is highlighted, rather than just the sections as well.