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No solution for syncing profile configuration to multiple computers

Participant ,
Feb 22, 2024 Feb 22, 2024

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So the latest update has removed file syncing to creative cloud.

No problem, we have been notified well in advance, and I, and probably many others, have never used Creative Cloud file syncing for anything with Premiere Pro.

But oops!  Now I find that a feature I do use a lot, the "profile sync", to keep my Premiere Pro settings synchronized between several editing stations I use (Macs - two desktops and a laptop) is no longer available at all.

Ok, Adobe, can you give us another straightforward easy UI method for syncing  profiles?

Many of the other apps I use support a choice of DropBox or Apple iCloud for doing that.

I get there are reasons you wouldn't want to be tied into those 3rd party products, so how about a specialized Adobe Cloud Sync hidden behind-the-scenes just for configuration profiles?

Or maybe a menu command to export or import profile settings to a file on the desktop?

(Speaking of, in the meantime, can someone point me to where I should dig through the tons of nested configuration folders for Adobe and save/restore a profile configuration file that won't corrupt or crash my system?)

Bug Unresolved






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