This has been an issue i have alway had with Premiere pro, but its really starting to bother me. when im in currently editing, the video will usually play as soon as i hit play, and sometimes it will take a long time to actually play. but if i click to another monitor for even a second, premiere pro will take upwards of 2 minutes to play the playback, and in this time i cannot move the timeline (i can move the actual bar, but the playback screen won't change). and i have to wait ages for it to work again.
while researching, i read that it could be a hardware error but i dont think thats the case, as i have
i7 8700k
rtx 3060ti
32gb ram 32000mz
premiere is running on a samsung SSD.
I have tried running it off of a SSD and a HDD, i have tried resetting workspaces, i have tried allocating more memory to the program, and i have tried the beta version of priemere pro
premiere pro version: (beta) 24 (and all previous versions for the past year) OS: windows 11 home insider preview.