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Auto transcript filler words, better workflow required

New Here ,
May 13, 2024 May 13, 2024

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Hey, loving the filler word detection in the Beta.

This COULD solve a long running issue I have with my own content.

If it were implemented as I outline below, this would be an App swapping feature. Its THAT important to me. If I saw resolve had this, I might actually jump ship. And I am a Prem Pro user of some 20+ years.


I record self made videos (educational/tutorial), and as a result when recording myself speaking I get a LOT of ums and ahs, as I think about what I am saying. Its pretty much impossible NOT to do this, at least for me.


For this feature to really shine, I need it to be taken to a higher level.


Right now it detects most ums and ahs pretty well, but its not perfect. So I think auto expunging these from footage is not viable. Also, doing it manually still is painfully manual, though its a little faster.


Instead, I would LOVE to see a mode where

  • The timeline auto plays, and skips to each filler section, with a 1 second rollup, so you get some context
  • An editable area is shown, representing cut points.
  • When the clip has finished playing, you press ENTER to cut it, or SPACE to skip
  • When the filler is ripple cut, you can choose to either leave it as a jump cut, or use a chosent transition (defined in settings)
  • I prefer to use crossfade on mine, set to a 25f duration.

If done well, I think this could make a process that takes me hours, on each video, take maybe 10 minutes. Its THAT transformative for me.

I could then focus more on the creative side, better graphics, effects etc.
PLEASE make this happen for the new release!

Feature request , Feedback






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