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Hey guys,
I use the "ingest" from Adobe premiere to create proxies.( Prores Proxy)
Now when i import some footage, in the background (it take very long to put those files in AME (network storage) AME wil start the transcode to proress Proxy. Now if by accindent i acces and scrub trough a higress file he wants to transcode it skips that file and says : FAILED.
I do not think this is a dissired way to work ? Should it not wait until i am done on the file then continue transcoding? I am on the latest Adobe premiere Beta and AME. Source file is an XDcam EX file.
It was for demo purposes i saw this happening. And i retryed it several times and every time it fails.
Second point: i found out that it is on my network storage (i tried this on network and a thunderbolt storage same result) , not on my local SSD. Is this a problem on network storage because of the "calls" Adobe makes? The connection is a 1Gig connection to 1PTB storage. And on my local drive i get no fails, on the Network storage it does.
It says the preset not compatible, but when i retry (import it again) it has NO issues on creating that proxy file
Has anybody seen this happening?
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