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New Project Interface is horrible

Participant ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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The new interface when clicking "Create New" is God-awful. First, it defaults to stock art and there appears to be no way to change it. It is horribly in efficient.


1. Legacy interface allows the user to establish settings -- which may be different from media to be imported later. New system does not allow that option, it forces importing footage immediately and then makes sequence settings fit the imported media whether wanted or not. This forces creation of a "New Sequence," whether wanteed or not, to be able to establish settings for the project.

So that's the first useless set of mouse clicks.


2. The "let me try and find my footage to import" column on the left side ignores Windows Explorer Favorites, and requires endless clicking to get to the footage you're forced to import whether you want to or not. Of course, one can establish a favorite in Premiere Pro, but why not import the ones already in Explorer. This requires more inefficient mouse clicks and a duplicate process.


3. I'm sure I'm not the only professional who uses subfolders in Video and Pictures or even has multiple drives, but the new interface makes it inconvenient -- particularly in a netework setting where there are a large number of devices.


EITHER provide the option to use the efficient and clean Legacy interface or dump this screen clutter.

Error , Feature request , Feedback , Performance






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