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Problem using Beta version 24.3.0 Build 9

Community Beginner ,
Jan 25, 2024 Jan 25, 2024

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Hey Folks,


I had fully edited, and exported a 30 minute video that I had been working on for a couple of weeks. The finished product was almost perfect. The next night (1/23/24) I decided I wanted to tweak the 10 second title at the front of the video. I went to open the project, and got notification that an update was available for my Beta version. So, I installed it. (24.3.0 Build 9). Reopened the program, made my tweak at the front, and then re-exported the finished product. My project had one video track (V1 and A1), which was a complilation of numerous clips buried in 4 sequences, one music track (A2) and two sound effect tracks (A3 & A4). When I went to play back the mp4, the audio from A1 was missing, but sounded fine from all three of the other audio tracks. No mute button set on A1.


I closed that project, and one at a time, re-opened all of the auto-saved projects, stepping back in time, all the way back to auto-saves from before the update, and they all look and sounded the same. Just a flat line in track A1. I've now updated to Build 10, and the problem still exists. Interestingly, when I open the individual sequences, from which the main render sequence was built, they still have audio in A1, and sound normal. Really strange. Could this be operator error?  Perhaps some setting I may have accidentally clicked, or double-clicked?   Bug maybe?  Thanks for any help you can provide. Cheers, Jeff Mulliken

Bug , Error , Feedback , Question






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