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DISCUSS: New export workflow

Adobe Employee ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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The new export workflow streamlines the process of delivering completed videos by focusing on the destinations of the content. Optimized render settings for popular social platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are presented. Advanced settings are easily accessed for customizing exports. 



This isn’t the end of the road for this redesign, though – not by a long shot.  We are still working on the exact layout of the settings accordions and finding the exact right place for everything.  And the most exciting part . . . background rendering!  Yes, that’s right, no more waiting for encoding progress bars to grow.  Check back often for updates.


More detailed info on the workflows: New import & export in Premiere Pro (Beta)

FAQ: FAQ | New import and export in Premiere Pro (Beta)


We want to know what you think about the new Export workflow.  Please join the conversation below.







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Advocate ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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As far as I can tell, when exporting, there is no way to type a specific value into the 'Target Bitrate' field, which is something I often want to do when exporting. Will this be fixed in a future release?





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Engaged ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Yes yes yes, need to be able to type into a field to get exact rate you want.

- Jonah Lee Walker
Video Editor, Colorist, Motion Graphics Artist





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Engaged ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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I admittedly am not going to be downloading the beta, but I wanted to check the forums to hear what people thought. I'm glad you mentioned this @hellopaul4  and I think it encapsulates my overall sentiment when it comes to modernizations/streamlining of UIs:


If you want to make the interface simpler or more modernized, sure, that's fine with me. Some folks may be split on this but honestly at the end of the day we'll all need to adjust to new, modernized UIs eventually.


However it should NEVER come at the cost of removing functionality or fine levels-of-control. Typing vs. sliding might seem like a small thing, but when it comes to users who do ths regularly and come to expect to be able to do it (since you could before), yeah I'd say that's something that needs to be corrected - and hopefully will be by public release.


If we're going the Rush-esque approach of Destination-based-exports (which is totally fine with me) it'd be great to have customization over that too. For example, the ability to make your own "destination" toggle with your own settings. So this way even if Adobe doesn't add a particular platform like Instagram/IGTV or "Other Random Video Platform", you could at least build it yourself and have it appear in that list. For all I know this may an entire rework of how Export Settings / Premiere / Media Encoder works, but like I said, if we're going that route, that's fine and dandy if we can customize and control.





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Engaged ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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I lied... curiosity got the best of me. Wound up downloading the beta after all. Ha!





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Hi there,

yes numeric input fields are something currently looked at. We fully understand there's a need to input exact Bitrate values. 





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 30, 2021 Jul 30, 2021

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FYI, the ability to type a custom value into Bitrate slider fields should be working in the latest PPro Beta builds.

Please try it out and let us know how it feels.






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Enthusiast ,
Jul 30, 2021 Jul 30, 2021

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MUCH better!  However it's still very strange that something as essential as bitrate is hidden under the '...More' button. 



  1. Please restructure the display of info so that users can access essential info such as bitrate in fewer clicks (i.e. remove essential info from '...More' section so that it is permanently displayed)
  2. When a section is twirled open, such as video, please keep it twirled open when reopening the Export page.  This is how the current Export Settings window works, it remembers the last accessed tab so that it automatically appears when reopening the window at a later time during the same editing session.  One would hope that the new interface is equally or even more convenient, rather than introducing a bunch of annoyances such as tabs that auto-close between visits to the Export page.
  3. For users that like to use sliders, please limit bitrate values to something resonable such as 1 decimal point or at the most 2. I don't think anyone is ever going to see the difference between an export set to 35.238 vs 35.239Mbps.  Such minute numbers only serve to pester the user and polute the interface with nonsensical information.
  4. Please optimize the new interface so that fewer clicks are necessary to get things done.  For example, in the current Export Settings window, it takes 3 clicks to change the export resolution from 1920x1080 to 1080x1080, and hitting the Enter key exits to input field.  In the new interface, doing this same thing takes 5 clicks, hitting Enter does not exit the input field, and the video preview does not update unless the user resized the Pr window.
  5. Please make interface elements smaller so that they match the size of elements of the current Export Settings window.  The oversized elements in the new interface allow less information to be seen on the screen at the same time.


New Export Window - big elements.jpg


Thanks for the update Larry!





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Contributor ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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I find the new export menu to be less effective. Right now you have to click extra buttons to reveal bitrates, and the numbers can't be typed. Pulling the bitrate sliders, makes it cumbersome to set the right value.

Font is at the moment a little too thin to be easily read.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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I can assure you that there is still work in progress and numeric inputs is something super important. We fully understand there's a need for exact input of Bitrate values.





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Advocate ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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On the subject of bitrate values, the Estimated File Size does not update when changing bitrate values. I assume this will be fixed in a future release.





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Community Expert ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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IMO, too much targeted towards social media.

Its loosing its professional look.

Media File : Lot of twirling down.

And as the previous poster mentioned : no way to fill in an exact number for bitrate. Slider is too fiddly.

Next time I open the Export all drop down menus are closed.

How do I export subclips from the project panel. As of now a dialog box appears, is that going to disappear?





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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Hi Ann! I agree, the new Export mode should remember the expand/collapse state of the accordion ssections from session to session, so that sounds like a bug. We plan to add support for multiple selected sequences or clips from the Project panel, using the new Export mode. In the meantime, multiple selections will open the old Export Settings dialog so you can still do that, and your clips or sequences will be sent to AME's queue for batch encoding. Sliders are still a work in progress, so please stay tuned.





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Engaged ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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The whole making this basically a workspace thing is certainly a bit confusing. Export was always it's own window, so to close I hit the red button and closed the application, having missed the exit button on the lower left.


Honestly I think it would be clearer if it was treated as a workspace, so if you want to leave, you just go to your other workspace (of course this was easier and quicker before I had to click twice to go to a workspace instead of once as I have been able to do for sometime), but the workspaces are greyed out when you are there, though I can still see the windows from my previous workspace in my second monitor, but can't do anything with them when in the export dialogue. And instead it is now like their are different versions of workspaces, you have Import/Edit/Export and then the workspaces for Edit. I just think it might be easier if they were all workspaces, instead of having different levels of worksapces.


I understand it now, but I still think that is confusing, and the workspaces which I use more during my day to day editing require 2 clicks, while import or export are treated as more important.


And why is the Exit button on the bottom left of the Export Window and the Bottom Right of the Input window? I know you don't need it, but there should be some unification here.


Or maybe even put a drop down on Edit with your workspaces?

- Jonah Lee Walker
Video Editor, Colorist, Motion Graphics Artist





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Enthusiast ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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I like a lot of thing about the new export workflow, but it doens't seem that one can edit some parameters...e.g. LUFS seem to fixed in the loudness normalization. Is this just not implemented yet?


And I can't seem to get custom presets to save...user error or not ready yest?





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Hi thank you for your post!

Yes Save Custom Presets is a Known Issue we're currently working on!








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Advocate ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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I agree that the 'Exit' button being hidden in the bottom left is silly - it should be with those other buttons in the lower right. I did exactly the same - closed the whole application the first time I saw this export thing. Also, pressing Escape should take you back to the Edit workspace.


Another thing - are the Presets going to be shared across Media Exporter and Premiere? AME's presets currently don't appear in Premiere's Presets.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 30, 2021 Jul 30, 2021

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Yes, presets created in AME should automatically be available in the Preset Manager of the new Export mode in Premiere.  To add them to the Preset menu you'd need to make them a "favorite" in the Preset Manager, however.


Custom presets created in Premiere should also appear in AME's Preset Browser panel, although there's a bug where you need to quit and relaunch AME for them to appear.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 31, 2021 Jul 31, 2021

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Please lose the More button under the Video setting.

Bitrate settings should not be 'hidden' but should show at all times.





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Enthusiast ,
Jul 31, 2021 Jul 31, 2021

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Agreed!  Pressing the Esc button should exit the Export page and go back to the Edit page. 





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Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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The new import workflow ... meh.


I do in some ways like the general layout of the new export workflow. And I've been able to create presets easily. It does seem easier to understand "visually".


And I do like being able to set mulitple outputs to different format/codecs at the same time from within PrPro. That's a big improvement.







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Guide ,
Sep 12, 2023 Sep 12, 2023

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I agree with Neil.

The export panel is much more interesting, requires a bit of refinement in terms of displaying the necessary information and remembering settings from session to session. I don't see any responses on the Import panel at all. Just a useless panel. I wrote to the developers about the functions that should be here and why they are here. This is an important point. Many people say the Import panel is for beginners, but I don't quite understand what is there for beginners. It was just a redesign of marketers who did not finalize the purpose of this panel.

Pay attention to this problem.





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Sep 12, 2023 Sep 12, 2023

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As I've noted, at a SMPTE event in San Jose, along with discussions at NAB, I've met very professional users for whom that new Import page is a huge prodution help.


But then, for the projects they use it for, there is a limited amount of project assets, so a 'flat file' single bin is fine. And the biggest issue is they have a very short and totally non-negotiable deadline to meet. TV station newsrooms, mega-corp in-house video shops, that sort of thing.


For the rest of us, a modified design so we don't waste time getting to the "create" button would suffice to get past this. That's an annoying and totally unnecessary time-suck.





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New Here ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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I think you have forgotten Instagram as an export preset, as a pain IGTV is






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Explorer ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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I think the location/output based presets make sense. If presets are saved, it's many less clicks to get a multiple output exports set up than doing it in Media Encoder and these days I'm doing alot of split format exports because everyone is working remotely and needs access to watching online. The fresh coat of paint on the section is fine, I'm indifferent, most of the features are here and I imagine we'll at least reach parity with current feature set by the end of beta.


Seems like not being able to type in values is moreso because it's an unfinished beta feature... I don't think I need a bitrate to three decimal places haha and UI graphics is still rough. For h264, AAC audio and similar, I'm not a fan of having to twirl down for bitrate, that's a really fundamental setting I don't think is worthy of hiding, feels alienating and slowing as a pro user. "Keyframes" could be moved up to encoder settings, it's just as advanced as the color settings. Bitrate and keyframes vertically before all the advanced color settings that are locked/preset by default, it's no fun to scroll for more used settings.


It's totally missing scale to fit/scale to fill/stretch to fill.


When I twirl down to set a custom frame size, the aspect ratio lock is broken. It opens as locked, I can adjust only one side. When I unlock and adjust it, the contro snaps locked and then adjusts properly like it's locked. And then the preview stops refreshing.


Quick export I love the idea of, I don't like these uneditable set of default presets that have no reflection to existing Adobe presets, it's stuff like this that just bloats menus. Also, can we have some streamlining with the presets as a whole? Like now we have the normal transcode presets for export, we have location presets for export, and we have a really cumbersome way of creating (but not managing) epr based ingest presets which are just a transcoding preset with a location setting... see what I mean? I need need a hub where this is actually managed, not digging through system and user folders.


The "Preset Manager" that Export and Quick Export launches... that interface isn't optimized with everything in a single list, repurpose the Media Encoder preset panel or try to make something better than Media Encoder's preset groups.





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