That bug has been there for years now, on Mac and PC, and it's driving me crazy : everytime I create a new project, the project panel loses its position and goes on the upper left... AND the workspace metadata display profile goes back to default. If only the "reset workspace" function worked but nooooo, I have to manually move the project panel, go back to the metadata display to chose my custom profile, and save the workspace again... until the next time I create a project.
I teach editing with Premiere Pro. It's a big part of my job, I've had more than 300 students over the last three years. And every freaking time I have to explain that saving a workspace is not enough, it will be destroyed next time we create a project. And in my class we need to create a new project every day.
I'm sorry but it's not a temporary bug. Many of my students ask me if Resolve is a faster, better performing and more reliable software and I hate to admit it but it's true in many ways. Don't get me started on the keyboard layout for PC in french, it's all over the place...
Mod note: Edited for content.