I've had this issue for MONTHS now and regret not reporting it earlier. I often cut features for TV in a 23.98 sequence. And it sounds fine on that timeline. Then when I go to nest it in a 59.94 sequence for export, and hit play on the timeline, there are random audio glitches / phantom noises that show up in the 59.94 sequence that definitely ARENT in the 23.98 sequence. (and yes those 'phantom' glitches do show up in my MXF export as well). And this happens with almost every project I work on for the past year. It's really problematic. I usually have to jump through hoops and move some audio around by frames just to make it go away. I don't feel comfortable posting a public video but if Adobe would privately message me, I'd gladly show you the screen record I did this morning to showcase the issue. I could tell you my current premiere version but I've gone through several versions of premiere over the past year and its been prevalent throughout. I've even had 2 different kinds of computers in the past year and the issue shows up on both computers. I'm on a mac studio at the moment.
on this particular instance, its occuring during an audio dissolve. I cant tell any more if these are exponential dissolves or normal gain dissolves since this latest version did this big overhaul visually. if i click on the dissolve and look in the effects controls it says custom dissolve. i dont remember applying any "custom" dissolve. so how can i tell if this was originally an exponential fade? because what if the exponential fades are causing the issue? I need to explore deeper
Deleting the media Cache and restarting the computer does not rectify the issue.