In File 1 only the first track of audio plays.
In File 2 (an ProRes export from PP), all audio tracks play correctly.
There are likely some .mov container flags missing from File 1 that are preventing PP from parsing the audio tracks correctly.
Could an Adobe Audio Engineer, take a look at the files and let me know which flags are missing so they can be included.
Version: Premiere Pro 23.1, Windows 10 Version 10.0.19044 Build 19044 (issue persists in every version
FILE1: OBS Mac Hardware Encoded ProRes File (only 1st audio track plays)
------NOTE1: if all audio tracks initially play, click away from Premiere Pro to lose it's Windows focus and leave PP for 30s and only the first audio track will play.
------NOTE2: File recorded using OBS on Mac using Apples Hardware ProRes recorder.
------NOTE3: PP testing done on Windows and Mac
FILE 2: PP 23.1 ProRes Export (works correctly, all audio tracks play):