I'm running into a technical problem and I'm not sure what the root of the problem is.
2023 Macbook Pro
M3 chip
18GB of RAM
Currently running Sonoma 14.1
This is a company machine. The reason I mention that is I'm not sure if my company's security settings are what is preventing the Dynamic Link function from working.
Every time I try to replace a clip with an After Effects compositiong Premiere Pro freezes. I get the rainbow spinwheel and it gets stuck in loading. AE doesn't even launch. The same issue happens anytime I try to export by sending a sequence to Media Encoder.
My suspesion is that this is caused by some sort of permission and settings where the programs arent able to communicate to each other. Or perhaps it's something like a firewall setting that is preventing Adobe Dynamic Link from working properly. Has anyone else experienced this?
Looking for help. I've already reseted my profile back factory setttings. I'm hoping someone else has delt with this issue and can point me in the right direction.