When trying to set or add a key color in HSL secondary in Lumetri color in Premiere Pro, nothing happens. I click the eyedropper, then click the color on my image, and no key is set. I can click any color, anywhere, and no mask is created and the HSL sliders don't budge. It is only on rare and random occasions that I can manage to select a color. I have tried selecting a key color in both the Lumetri panel and the effects control panel. Some related posts have suggested this may have to do with having two monitors, however, I've experienced this on systems with both one and two monitors. The eyedropper works better in the RGB curves effect, but there are times when I have the same issue. Any idea why this isn't working? I've been setting my sliders manually, but would really love to use the color picker, which should not be so consistently dysfunctional!