Working with footage from C70 camera shot today with C-LOG-3 and cine gamut. Shot with HEVC 10 bit 4:2:0 (Full Range). Interpreting the color space as such and everything looks fine.
Go to export it for review via Frame IO - notice that media encoder completely ignores the color space and reverts back to the CLOG3 footage.

Only when I switch to Software Encoding does the render look right. Hardware encoding does not respect the color space change. I reinstalled the latest Nvidia driver - no change.
My sequence color space is Rec 709 - auto tone map is off. Using Tetrahedral as my 3d lut interpolation, viewer gamma 2.2 (web).
My computer
Premiere 25.1.0 (Build 73)
i9 13900K
RTX 4070 12GB RAM
NVIDIA Driver: 566.36