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Multi-Camera not displaying the name of the selected camera

New Here ,
Mar 29, 2024 Mar 29, 2024

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When I make cuts on a multi-camera sequence, the name of the selected camera isn't displayed anymore. Just the file name from the selected camera is displayed. 

It worked fine on previous versions. I used to get the [MC1], [MC2], etc. indicator at each cut I made, which was super useful, and now it's not there anymore. I've tried creating a new project, and it does the same thing.


I'm using Premiere Pro 24.3.0 on Windows 10, and 24.2.1 on MacOS, and I have the same issue on both operating systems, using different projects. I just installed the Beta version on Windows and the problem is still there. This makes me think that this feature was dropped / forgotten during the last updates, but it was really useful, and I hope we can have it back.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Bug Unresolved
Editing and playback , User experience or interface






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1 Comment
Adobe Employee ,
Apr 12, 2024 Apr 12, 2024

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Hi @Andrei-PointZero,


Thanks for reaching out here!  How are you making your multi-cams?


I suspect that you are creating them by building nests, and then enabling multi-camera on those nests once they are cut into other sequences.  While this approach does work, it's technically not the recommended method to make multi-cams in Premiere Pro, and it does result in some slightly different under-the-hood wiring when creating multi-cam clips.


You are correct, though.  It does seem that we made a change somewhere between 24.1 and 24.2 that looked at this wiring under the hood in a new way, and this has affected the addition of the [MC] tag to the name of nests in the timeline when multi-camera is enabled on those nests themselves.  We're going to look into it on our end, as I do agree that the earlier functionality provided more detailed feedback to you as the user.


There is a workaround to get the [MC] tag back, although I don't know the details of your current workflow, so I can't say that I'm going to expliclty recommend it and risk affecting another part of your workflow negatively.  Once performed, the steps cannot be undone, and so I must repeat myself, I cannot currently recommend this since I do not know the details of your workflow or how it will impact you. Nonetheless, if you would like make a copy of your project and experiment for yourself, here's how to approach the workaround.  You have SeqA that you cut into another sequence as a nest.  You then right click on the SeqA nest and enable multi-cam.  The project item for SeqA is still a sequence, even though its nested use has multi-cam enabled.  If you match-frame on the SeqA nest in the sequence, you'll see that the source project item will immediately be converted from a sequence to a multi-cam (if you have a lot of media, use "Reveal in project" from the source monitor to jump directly to the project item after the match-frame); the project item's icon now indicates it is a multi-cam source sequence instead of a standard editing sequence.  THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE.  From this point on the project item will be considered a multi-cam by Premiere Pro, and will always be treated as such when cutting it into another sequence.  Your [MC] tag will not appear immediately on the names of existing nests cut into sequences.  You need to make a change to your sequence - this could be copying and pasting something, rolling an edit, or moving a clip - or close and re-open the sequence.  These actions will trigger Premiere Pro to update the timeline and recognize the link to the source project item as a multi-cam, and add [MC] to the nest's name in the timeline.

Having offered you that to experiment with, my official recommendation is to generate multi-cams using the Create Multi-Camera Source Sequence command.  You will not run into issues like the one you are experiencing now if you build multi-cams with that recommended method.




