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Premiere Pro randomly not displaying full sequence names in Bin

Community Beginner ,
Nov 07, 2023 Nov 07, 2023

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Looking to see if anyone has any solutions to this as it's a weird error that occassionally pops up.


When working in Premiere occasionally it will decided to hide portions of sequence names from the bins unless you click on the file name to change it when it will reveal the full name. The company I work for likes to iterate and save old versions in the same project utalizing sequence names so it gets a little confusing when Premiere chops off the version numbers in the bin randomly. I've tried adjusting the length of file names removing underscores/shortening or extending names but it seems to randomly decide an ending point and will make that the end of the displayed name. 


"Reallycoolvideo_V1"   "Reallycoolvideo_V2" will both just show up as "Reallycoolvideo" in the bin until you click on the file names when it will reveal the full name. Modifying the name to something like "TEST_Reallycoolvideo_V3" will then change the name to "Test_Reallycoolvideo"


These abrivations will also be reflected in the timeline tabs themselves. Finally when you go to export the sequence Premiere will also add a "-" into the file name where it decided to shorten the name in the Bin. 



I've been able to get around the issue and find the current sequences easily with some Bin organization but I can't for the life of me figure out why it decided to do this for some projects and not all of them.


Info for the bug report-

Version: 24.0.0 (Build S8) (though I've been having the issue since v23 something)

Platform: Windows 11 Pro (had the issue on Windows 10 Pro as well)

Basic Steps to reproduce the problem: Start a project and make a sequence name and make sure that it is semi-long. If the name gets chopped off you've found the problem. 

Expected Result: I would just have a really long sequence name but be able to view it entierly in the bin without it being chopped off. 

Actual Result: File name gets shorted in the Bin and timeline tabs unless you click to change the name where you can view it entierly and make alterations. When going to export sequences the full name is displayed however it will add a "-" where it has decided to shorten the name in the displays.

Bug Unresolved
Performance or Stability






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Jan 29, 2024 Jan 29, 2024

Posting an update to this as I did finally figure out what the issue was.


The issue had something to do with Formula used in a google sheet to generate cell content.


If you copied the name that was created through formula from the sheet and pasted it as the name of the sequence in premiere then it would glitch out and do the issue. Even though the copied name would only include the final combined name that was visible in the cell. 


Manually typing out the names of the sequences would have the se




Community Expert ,
Nov 07, 2023 Nov 07, 2023

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Screenshots would be helpful.





Community Beginner ,
Jan 29, 2024 Jan 29, 2024

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Posting an update to this as I did finally figure out what the issue was.


The issue had something to do with Formula used in a google sheet to generate cell content.


If you copied the name that was created through formula from the sheet and pasted it as the name of the sequence in premiere then it would glitch out and do the issue. Even though the copied name would only include the final combined name that was visible in the cell. 


Manually typing out the names of the sequences would have the sequences always display their full names. 


So in the end, lesson learned. Just manually type out the names on the sequences and no shortcuts in automating sequence name generation to comply with company naming standards. 




