When I link mediasome of the files are importing the wrong numbered files. I have fixed this and it reverts back. can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong if if there is a way to fix this permanently?
When you say you fixed this? Do you cahnge the clip name in the project for the clips that are linking up to the wrong clip? Have you tried to name the clips with more than just a numerical value to see if they stay linked to the proper clip?
When you say you fixed this? Do you cahnge the clip name in the project for the clips that are linking up to the wrong clip? Have you tried to name the clips with more than just a numerical value to see if they stay linked to the proper clip?
Yes I renamed the files and everything worked for a few weeks. I am having the same problem on two different PCs. We used templates for many viseos per week and this is become a recurring issue. I have tried using a fresh master template that is perfect and it does the same thing.
When I used a fresh new template numbered 1 to 31 everything matched. After I imported the pics were jumbled the same way and the import is permanently changed to the wrong numbers without saving anything
I havent changed the names because I have more than 30 templates. The pics are numbered. There are between 30 and 150 picctues in each template. What would you suggest?