I've been working on an edit since the beginning of December and things have gone smoothly until today. During playback either the audio suddenly cuts out or there are bouts of white noise/static - sometimes both happen at the same time. The audio returns and/or the static goes away when I hit pause and then play again. The waveforms have not changed and I have not added any new audio effects since the last time I opened the project. The only effects that I have used are denoise and some dereverb. I at first thought this was just a Premiere issue, but when I exported, there were random bouts of the audio suddenly cutting out and/or white noise/static, but now it doesn't go away when I hit pause and play again, it's part of the export.
I emptied my media cache, freed up space on my hard drive, and changed my audio hardware settings so that the buffer size is now 2048 and nothing has helped. Any thoughts? I feel like I'm going insane.