I'm running into an issue with Premiere CC 2023. An edit I have has a few spots where there is no video present, so I placed Premiere's "black video" slugs there to fill the empty space. The problem is, when I export the video to a ProRes MOV file, those areas of black are being filled with repeated frames from subsequent shots in my timeline. So instead of black, I get a freeze frame of the surrounding shots instead. Anyone have this happen and possibly know why this is?
A few notes, I'm editing on a 2020 Macbook Pro with Monterey 12.7.6. Like I said, this is in CC 2023 (I haven't tried 2024 or 2025 yet, just fyi). I tried pre-rendering in Premiere and using previews to export. I've tried deleting previews and just exporting normally, still the same result. I did try taking the ProRes video that shows the repeated frames into DaVinci Resolve instead to test and it is working properly, so no repeated frames.
Not sure what the issue is, but would appreciate any insight.