Premiere Pro is the only software I've had this issue in. The issue manifests itself in slow scrolling speed in its windows and tabs. Below are video illustrations of one scroll movement up and down.
- Project bin (1,5x as slow)
- Graphics templates (2x as slow)
- Effects (2x as slow)
- Audio mixer (1,5x as slow)
- Lumetri (1,5x as slow)
- Metadata (2x as slow)
- Export (2x as slow)
In comparison After effects has the scrolling speed as it is in the Windows, and Premiere's timeline is also of the same speed:
In the x1,5 tests you may think it's ok, but it's not - there still is a distinct difference between AE, Premiere Pro timeline, OS windows scrolling and those tabs seen in these tests.
Surely I know I can bump up the mouse speed in the OS settings and that leads to higher speeds everywhere - the browser scrolling becomes too fast too as well as any other scrolling including AE.
My OS windows scale is 100%, the mouse and everything have the default settings, so it is Premiere Pro only that has slower scrolling. This issue has accompanied Premiere Pro for ages and I woldn't post it here, but people have started to complain about it on Reddit and there are my Premiere Pro pupils who also do.
Please fix it, Adobe.
Premiere Pro 25.1, Win 11 24h2 (up to date), RTX 4080, 1920by1080 monitor, all OS settings concerning mouse and scaling are default, a Qcyber HYPE mouse (800-4000 dpi, 1000 Hz, set at 1600 dpi).
Once again: the scroll speed is perfect everywhere except for the said cases in Premiere Pro.