Hi there, I am in a big problem and in need of HELP!!!
I've been working on Premiere Pro for the past six months and have been editing materials from the same Smartphone camera, all raw materials are free of any glitches.
This video is made of 3 layers in "Screen" mode (like in all my other videos which do not have this phenomenon) and apart from some dissolves and speed changes, I did not use any "heavy" effects.
These digital disturbances, as you can see in the images (on the left side), do not always appear in the same place and can multiply in time (which is realy strange). I tried editing them out and managed to get a clean copy for a while, but this "disease" returned again. I copied the videos to a new project and it looked great, but as soon as I exported or rendered it, the "disease" returned and now the problem is seen also in the project itself.
Has this happened to anyone?? What else can I do?? This is such an important work and I'm totally lost in this situation!!.
Thanks in advance!!!!