In order to make some effects look smoother than just a straight 'push' effect I decided to save some presets with keyframed transformations in the Transform tool. Mostly things like moving a PNG from out of frame to in frame or vice versa. I saved these effects but the PNGs were then being surrounded by flickering vertical black bars every once in a while for a few frames at a time. This gets exported into the project as well, so I ended up searching for a fix and saw that nothing really talked about it. After a few hours of deliberate tinkering I think I narrowed it down for a pretty temporary fix but It still works: Since I was using two transform tools saved with different anchor points (one to pull in at the beginning and one to push out at the end) I only needed to have it keyframe the position, but without changing any of the other settings and adjusting the scale INSIDE the saved transformation tool, it seems to have fixed the issue. I just usually set it to 99.5 or 100.5 so it's pretty much as close to what I saved it as size-wise.
It was difficult to get a snapshot of what I'm trying to talk about since when I attempt to print screen or take a snapshot of it the glitch goes away and ends up appering at a different timecode, so I screenshot the final export to give an example of what I mean with the little black bars. I don't know if that means it's a glitch with the processing of the graphics, but no matter what sequence settings I chose it didn't solve anything so this is what I discovered.
I'm no expert but is this me doing something blatantly wrong or is this a fix that holds some merit?