3DS Max Tiffs Crash Premier
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I've been rendering tiff's out of 3dsMax and editing in Premier for over a decade. As of three days ago, when I render out of Max and import into Premier, the footage comes in fine. Specs are correct in the Project Bin. If I try to use the images (drag into an existing sequence or "New Item" the clip to generate a sequence), Premier crashes.
Strange and problematic. If I use the Photoshop Image Script to resave the tiffs to a new tiff, that works fine. So now I have to process and re-save everything I render from 3DS Max.
I just rendered the project in an earlier version of Max and it works fine in Premier, so it isn't an Adobe issue, but an AutoDesk one. I'll get with them, but I've attached Max2022 & Max2023 rendered tiffs. The 2022 works fine. The 2023 crashes Premier (for me anyway). Maybe someone good at digging into the file can say why?
Regards, Curious & Confused.
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If you haven't done so already, please compare the export settings for a TIFF image sequence out of Max in 2023 vs 2022. It's likely Autodesk added features or properties to their TIFF export for 2023 and any change, no matter how small, may be enough for Pr to mishandle the files.
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I've conducted a small test. In Max we have the following settings on export (appart from bitdepth which I didn't test and left at the default 8-bit) Packbits or No Compression, and Alpha or no Alpha
Packbits no alpha - works fine
Packbits and alpha - works fine
No Compression no alpha - Premiere Pro crashes very badly.
No compression and alpha - works fine.
So when we don't include the alpha channel and use no compression Premire Pro crashes. Why one would do that I don't know... I only found out about this because my students forget what we tell them 🙂 Anyway I've only tested this in Max 2023, but I tihnk it happened to some people last year in the same class, when we where on Max 2022. And Premire Pro is the only application that has any problem. And the crash is such an insta-death that it seems it's a lack of error handeling on something unexpected in the file maybe? I don't know, just guessing. I wouldn't be surpriced if Autodesk happens to write out the tiff in a wierd way. But then again, it's only PP that dies. No other Adobe product I've tried. Bridge can convert them to anyother format just fine. Or even tiff. And PP doesn't crash.
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Interesting. Figures. I need uncompressed tiffs for use in a third party app for batch processing. And that's the only version that does not work.
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It's now March 2024, almost two years later and TIFF sequences are still broken.
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Yes, it's incredible how slowly bugs get resolved by these corporations. Nothing ever happens.
Did they remove all staff from development and moved them to sales/accounting?
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I have resorted to exporting 16 bit lossless compressed TIFF, then running them through Lightroom whenever software can't handle them.
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That's interesting. AutoDesk has verified my claims and accepted it as a bug. They say it will eventually get resolved.
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Aaaaand it's March 2024 and this is still happening 😞