Copy link to clipboard
Hello, i am looking for a workflow to batch proces a large number of clips. About 200 edits, only one picture and some titels change. So here is the thing, i need to make a large number of social media outings for dj's. For the flyers we use a .csv file, which is imported in Indesign. The csv file also contains the locations of each photo. With data merge within one click, 20, 50 or whatever number in in the csv is those flyers are created wihtin seconds.
For those same dj's i need to deliver an instagram reel and a story. 90% of the clip is pre-editted, only need to replace the dj-art work (photo), date and name.
Is there any workflow possible with either premierre or after effectrs (maybe in conjustion with apple automator) to batch proces these clips?
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