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I was finished with my recent project and clicked open new under file tab. I opened a new project and renamed it to something else. However, the sequence from previous project was still in timeline of new project.. so I deleted it. When I reopened the original project the sequence was deleted from it too! I have already exported that project, so I at least have a copy of it, but had planned on tweaking some things down the road...and now its gone. Help!
Find an auto save or backup copy.
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Find an auto save or backup copy.
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I was looking around for something like that, but have never had to do this. Where would I find an autosave or back up copy?
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Auto saves are in your project folder.
Making Back ups is something you have to do yourself on a regular basis.
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Open the project with the missing timeline.
Once open, go to File > Project Settings > Scratch Disks and find the directory where the Project Auto Saves were stored. Follow the path to them - they will be identified by a timestamp. Open an auto save made prior to you deleting the sequence and see if you can find it.
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Awesome! I was able follow it back to the most updated version I had. Thanks for the detailed help!
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This comment just saved me big time! Thank you so much!
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Awesome answer. Thank You. Saved me 3 hours....
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There should be an auto save folder in the same location where your project is saved. (By default.)
when you open the auto save you may have to double click on the sequence icons (blue/green bars) in the project panel to open the sequence(s).
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Awesome! I was able to find it. Thanks for your detailed help! : )